Values before 2024-05-14
Authority year1972
Authority parentheses0
Is fossil0
Taxon rankspecies
Taxon statusaccepted
Genus gender
Original combinationCharinus brasilianus
Type repositoryType info: Male (MNRJ 9014)
Type: Holotype
Type repository: Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (MNRJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Type info: 1 female, same locality as holotype (MNRJ 9014)
Type: Paratype
Type repository: Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (MNRJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Type info: 3 males, 1 female, 5 juveniles, same locality as holotype (SMF 25397)
Type: Paratype
Type repository: Senckenberg Naturmuseum, Frankfurt am Main (SMF), Germany
Parent taxonID: 77
Name: Charinus
Additional taxon dataRealm: South America
Locus typicus: 10 km N. of Vitória, Kreis Serra, Espírito Santo, Brazil.
Habitat: Tropical forest

Although unspecified, the species name is evidently an adjective referring to Brazil, the country in which the type locality is located.

Taxon comment:
Country: BRA
Distribution comment:
Locus typicusLatitude: -20.185761
Longitude: -40.268203
Location name: 10 km N. of Vitória
Subgenus idID: 0