Sarax indochinensis Miranda, Giupponi, Prendini and Scharff, 2021


Original combination: Sarax indochinensis


Taxonomic references

Sarax brachydactylus Simon:

Fage, 1946a: 79 (in part)

Sarax aff. brachydactylus

Seiter, Wolff and Hörweg, 2015: 545

Sarax indochinensis Miranda, Giupponi, Prendini and Scharff:

Miranda, Giupponi, Prendini and Scharff, 2021: 186–188, figs. 103, 112–114, table 8 original description

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors
Distribution table

Realm: Asia

Type locality:

Koh Kut, Trat Province, Thailand.


Locality Lat Lon
1 Koh Kut 11.668075 102.564225
Type repository
  • Holotype Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen (ZMUC), Copenhagen, Denmark Female (ZMUC 21613)
  • Paratype Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen (ZMUC), Copenhagen, Denmark 7 males, 3 females, 1 juvenile, same locality as holotype (ZMUC 21612)
  • Paratype Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt am Main (SMF), Germany 1 female, from Annam Ha Tien, Vietnam [Lat 10.429111, Lon 104.476833] (SMF 029/10)
Zoobank LSID


Fage, L. (1946a). Scorpions et Pédipalpes de l'Indochine Française. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 113: 71–81. -- Show included taxa

Miranda, Gustavo S., Giupponi, A.P. de L., Prendini, L. & Scharff, Nikolaj (2021). Systematic revision of the pantropical whip spider family Charinidae Quintero, 1986 (Arachnida, Amblypygi). European Journal of Taxonomy 772: 1–409. doi: -- Show included taxa

Seiter, M., Wolff, J. & Hörweg, C. (2015). A new species of the South East Asian genus Sarax Simon, 1892 (Arachnida: Amblypygi: Charinidae) and synonymization of Sarax mediterraneus Delle Cave, 1986. Zootaxa 4012(3): 542–552. doi: -- Show included taxa

Date Type Reference Old value
2024-04-14 Taxonomic reference update
2024-04-14 New taxonomic reference entry Seiter, Wolff and Hörweg, 2015
2024-04-14 New taxonomic reference entry Fage, 1946
2024-03-14 Species updated Old value
2024-03-14 Taxonomic reference update Miranda, Giupponi, Prendini and Scharff, 2021
2024-03-08 Taxonomic reference update Miranda, Giupponi, Prendini and Scharff, 2021
2024-03-08 Taxonomic reference update
2024-03-08 Species updated Old value
2022-04-06 New taxonomic reference entry Miranda, Giupponi, Prendini and Scharff, 2021
2022-04-06 New species inserted