Charinus australianus (L. Koch, 1867)


Original combination: Phrynus australianus


Genus type of Charinus Simon, 1892

Taxonomic references

Phrynus australianus L. Koch:

Koch, 1867: 231–232 original description
Butler, 1873c: 119
Moritz and Fischer, 1980: 138

Charon australiensis (L. Koch):

Kästner, 1932a: n/a, fig. 82 (as Charon australiensis [sic])
Werner, 1935a: n/a, figs. 142–143 (as Charon australiensis [sic])

Charon australianus (L. Koch):

Koch and Keyserling, 1885: 40–41, plate 4, figs. 1a–b
Simon, 1892a: 48
Hansen, 1894: 159
Kraepelin, 1895: 46–47, figs. 33, 38, 41
Kraepelin, 1899a: 249, 93
Kraepelin, 1901b: 264
Börner, 1904: 5
Mello-Leitão, 1931: 54
Werner, 1935a: 471, fig. 176b
Weidner, 1959: 142
Weygoldt, 1972a: 123, fig. 22f
Strinati and Aellen, 1983: 21
Delle Cave, 1986: 154–155, II
Quintero, 1986: n/a, figs. 4, 7, 9
Harvey, 2003c: 4
Weygoldt, 2006a: 10–13
Weygoldt, 2006b: 244, figs. 3–4, 8–9

Charinus australianus (L. Koch):

Miranda, Giupponi, Prendini and Scharff, 2021: 154–155, fig. 94, table 7

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Distribution table

Realm: Australasia

New Caledonia
Type locality: Upolu Island, Samoa.


Locality Lat Lon
1 Upolu Island -13.916666 -171.75
Type repository
  • Holotype Zoologisches Museum Hamburg (ZMH), Hamburg, Germany (ZMH 2281)
Zoobank LSID


Börner, C. (1904). Beitrage zur Morphologie der Arthropoden. I. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Pedipalpen. Zoologica, Stuttgart 42: 1–174. -- Show included taxa

Butler, A.G. (1873c). A monographic revision of the genus Phrynus, with descriptions of four remarkable new species. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (4) 12: 117–125. -- Show included taxa

Delle Cave, L. (1986). Biospeleology of the Somaliland Amblypygi (Arachnida, Chelicerata) of the caves of the Showli Berdi and Mugdile (Bardera, Somaliland). Redia 69: 143–170. -- Show included taxa

Hansen, H.J. (1894). Organs and characters in different orders of arachnids [second part]. Entomologiske Meddelelser 4: 145–249. -- Show included taxa

Harvey, M.S. (2003c). Catalogue of the smaller arachnid orders of the world: Amblypygi, Uropygi, Schizomida, Palpigradi, Ricinulei and Solifugae. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne. -- Show included taxa

Kästner, A. (1932a). Pedipalpi Latreille = Geissel-Scorpione. In: Kükenthal, W. (ed.) Handbuch der Zoologie Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin und Leipzig 3 (2) (2): 1–76. -- Show included taxa

Koch, L. (1867). Beschreibungen neuer Arachniden und Myriapoden. Verhandlungen der K. K. Zoologischen-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 17: 173–250. -- Show included taxa

Koch, L. & Keyserling, E. (1885). Die Arachniden Australiens. In: Bauer und Raspe, Nürnberg 2: 1–51. -- Show included taxa

Kraepelin, K. (1895). Revision der Tarantuliden Fabr.. Verhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg 13(3): 3–53. -- Show included taxa

Kraepelin, K. (1899a). Scorpiones und Pedipalpi. Tierreich 8: i–xviii, 1–265. -- Show included taxa

Kraepelin, K. (1901b). Catalogue des Pédipalpes des collections du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris 7: 263–264. -- Show included taxa

Mello-Leitão, C. (1931). Pedipalpos do Brasil e algumas notas sobre a ordem. Archivos do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro 33: 8–72. -- Show included taxa

Moritz, M. & Fischer, S.-C. (1980). Die Typen der Arachniden-Sammlung des Zoologischen Museums Berlin. II. Uropygi, Amblypygi, Schizomida, Ricinulei, Solifuga. Mitteilung aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 56: 137–154. -- Show included taxa

Quintero, D., Jr (1986). Revision de la clasification de Amblypygidos pulvinados: creacion de subordenes, una neuva familia y un nuevo genero con tres nuevas especies (Arachnida: Amblypygi). In: Eberhard, W.G., Lubin, Y.D. and Robinson, B.C. (ed.) Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Arachnology, Panama 1983 Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C.: 203–212. -- Show included taxa

Simon, E. (1892a). Arachnides. In Raffray, A., Bolivar, I. and Simon, E., Etude sur les Arthropodes cavernicoles de île Luzon, Voyage de M. E. Simon aux îles Philippines (Mars et avril 1890). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 61: 35–52. -- Show included taxa

Strinati, P. & Aellen, V. (1983). Voyage biospéologique autour du monde. Memoires du Speléo-Club de Paris 9: 1–29. -- Show included taxa

Weidner, H. (1959). Die Entomologischen Sammlungen des Zoologischen Staatsinstituts und Zoologischen Museums Hamburg. I. Teil. Pararthropoda und Chelicerata I. Mitteilungen aus dem Hamburgischen Zoologischen Museum und Institute 57: 89–142. -- Show included taxa

Werner, F. (1935a). Klasse: Arachnoidea, Spinnentiere. Pedipalpen. In: Bronns, H.G. (ed.) Klassen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Leipzig 5(IV)(8)(3): 317–490. -- Show included taxa

Weygoldt, P. (1972a). Charontidae (Amblypygi) aus Brasilien. Zoologische Jahrbücher, Abteilung für Systematik, Ökologie und Geographie der Tiere 99: 107–132. -- Show included taxa

Weygoldt, P. (2006a). New Caledonian whip spiders: Notes on Charinus australianus, Charinus neocaledonicus and other south-western Pacific species of the Charinus australianus species group (Chelicerata, Amblypygi, Charinidae). Verhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins In Hamburg (NF) 42: 5–37. -- Show included taxa

Weygoldt, P. (2006b). Courtship and sperm transfer in Charinus neocaledonicus Kraepelin, 1895 and Charinus australianus (L. Koch, 1867) (Arachnida, Amblypygi, Charinidae). Zoologischer Anzeiger 244: 239–247. doi: -- Show included taxa

Miranda, Gustavo S., Giupponi, A.P. de L., Prendini, L. & Scharff, Nikolaj (2021). Systematic revision of the pantropical whip spider family Charinidae Quintero, 1986 (Arachnida, Amblypygi). European Journal of Taxonomy 772: 1–409. doi: -- Show included taxa

Date Type Reference Old value
2024-04-11 Species updated Old value
2024-03-15 Species updated Old value
2024-03-12 Taxonomic reference update Miranda, Giupponi, Prendini and Scharff, 2021
2024-03-11 Taxonomic reference update Weygoldt, 2006
2024-03-11 Taxonomic reference update Koch and Keyserling, 1885
2024-03-06 Taxonomic reference update Weygoldt, 2006
2024-03-06 Taxonomic reference update Quintero, 1986
2024-03-06 Taxonomic reference update Weygoldt, 1972
2024-03-06 Taxonomic reference update Werner, 1935
2024-03-06 Taxonomic reference update Kraepelin, 1895
2024-03-06 Taxonomic reference update
2024-03-06 Taxonomic reference update Miranda, Giupponi, Prendini and Scharff, 2021
2024-03-06 Taxonomic reference update
2024-03-06 Taxonomic reference update Werner, 1935
2024-03-06 Taxonomic reference update Kästner, 1932
2024-03-06 Taxonomic reference update Kästner, 1932
2024-03-06 Taxonomic reference update Kästner, 1932
2024-03-06 Taxonomic reference update Koch and Keyserling, 1885
2024-03-06 Taxonomic reference update
2024-03-06 Taxonomic reference update
2024-03-06 Taxonomic reference update
2024-03-06 Taxonomic reference update
2024-03-06 Species updated Old value
2024-02-05 Taxonomic reference update Weygoldt, 2006
2024-02-05 Taxonomic reference update Quintero, 1986
2024-02-05 Taxonomic reference update Delle Cave, 1986
2024-02-05 Taxonomic reference update Weygoldt, 1972
2024-02-05 Taxonomic reference update Werner, 1935
2024-02-05 Taxonomic reference update Kraepelin, 1899
2024-02-05 Taxonomic reference update Kraepelin, 1895
2024-02-05 Taxonomic reference update Werner, 1935
2024-02-05 Taxonomic reference update Kästner, 1932
2024-02-05 Taxonomic reference update Koch and Keyserling, 1885
2022-04-06 New taxonomic reference entry Miranda, Giupponi, Prendini and Scharff, 2021
2022-04-06 Taxonomic reference update Miranda, Giupponi, Prendini and Scharff, 2021
2022-04-06 Species updated Old value
2022-04-06 Species updated Old value
2022-04-06 New taxonomic reference entry Miranda, Giupponi, Prendini and Scharff, 2021