Eukoenenia strinatii Condé, 1977


Original combination: Eukoenenia strinatii


Taxonomic references

Eukoenenia cf. spelaea (Peyerimhoff):

Brignoli, 1976: 63–65, figs 1–2

Eukoenenia strinatii

Condé, 1977: 667–669, figs 1a–b, 2 original description
Rowland and Sissom, 1980: 80
Thaler, 1980: 391
Brignoli, 1982: 56
Condé, 1984a: 136
Bologna and Taglianti, 1985: 224
Condé, 1998: 917, 919
Harvey, 2003c: 159
Isaia, Paschetta, Lana, Pantini, Schönhofer, Christian and Badino, 2011: 192–193, figs 4.7–4.11
Christian, Isaia, Paschetta and Bruckner, 2014: n/a, figs 1, 2, 5–7, 9, 10, 12–15, 18, 19, 23–26
Giribet, McIntyre, Christian, Espinasa, Ferreira, Francke, Harvey, Isaia, Kovác, McCutchen, Souza and Zagmajster, 2014: 353, figs 2, 3
Balestra, Lana and Casale, 2019: 15, 16, figs 3b-e; 4a-b, d-f
Balestra, Lana and Vanin, 2022: 30-37, figs 5b-f, 6-8

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Distribution table
Italy (mainland)
Type locality: Grotta di Bossea, Frabosa Soprana, Val Corsaglia, Piemonte, Italy.


Locality Lat Lon
1 Grotta di Bossea 44.283333 7.8
Type repository

Bologna, M.A. & Taglianti, A.V. (1985). Fauna cavernicola delle Alpi Liguri. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova, Supplemento 84: 1–389. -- Show included taxa

Brignoli, P.M. (1976). Su di un Palpigrado di una grotta piemontese. Fragmenta Entomologica 12: 63–67. -- Show included taxa

Brignoli, P.M. (1982). Palpigradi cavernicoli italiani. Lavori della Società Italiana di Biogeografia, n.s. 8: 54–58. -- Show included taxa

Christian, E., Isaia, M., Paschetta, M. & Bruckner, A. (2014). Differentiation among cave populations of the Eukoenenia spelaea species-complex (Arachnida: Palpigradi) in the southwestern Alps. Zootaxa 3794: 52–86. -- Show included taxa

Condé, B. (1977). Nouveaux Palpigrades du Muséum de Genéve. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 84: 665–674. -- Show included taxa

Condé, B. (1984a). Les Palpigrades: quelques aspects morpho-biologiques. Revue Arachnologique 5: 133–143. -- Show included taxa

Condé, B. (1998). Palpigradida. In: Juberthie, C. and Decu, V. (ed.) Encyclopaedia biospeleologica Société de Biospeologie, Moulis and Bucarest 2: 913–920. -- Show included taxa

Giribet, G., McIntyre, E., Christian, E., Espinasa, L., Ferreira, R.L., Francke, O.F., Harvey, M.S., Isaia, M., Kovác, L., McCutchen, L., Souza, M.F.V.R. & Zagmajster, M. (2014). The first phylogenetic analysis of Palpigradi (Arachnida) — the most enigmatic arthropod order. Invertebrate Systematics 28: 350–360. doi: -- Show included taxa

Harvey, M.S. (2003c). Catalogue of the smaller arachnid orders of the world: Amblypygi, Uropygi, Schizomida, Palpigradi, Ricinulei and Solifugae. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne. -- Show included taxa

Isaia, M., Paschetta, M., Lana, E., Pantini, P., Schönhofer, A.L., Christian, E. & Badino, G. (2011). Aracnidi sotterranei delle Alpi Occidentali italiane / Subterranean arachnids of the western Italian Alps (Arachnida: Araneae, Opiliones, Palpigradi, Pseudoscorpiones). Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, Torino, Italia Monografie XLVII: i–xi, 1–325. -- Show included taxa

Rowland, J.M. & Sissom, W.D. (1980). Report on a fossil palpigrade from the Tertiary of Arizona, and a review of the morphology and systematics of the order (Arachnida). Journal of Arachnology 8: 69–86. -- Show included taxa

Thaler, K. (1980). Die Spinnenfauna der Alpen: ein zoogeographischer Versuch. In: Gruber, J. (ed.) Verhandlungen des 8. Internationalen Arachnologen-Kongress, Wien H. Egermann, Wien: 389–404. -- Show included taxa

Balestra, V., Lana, E. & Casale, A. (2019). Note sulle specie ipogee del genere Eukoenenia in Piemonte: distribuzione, habitat, comportamento (Arachnida, Palpigradi: Eukoeneniidae). Bollettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana 151(1): 13-23. -- Show included taxa

Balestra, V., Lana, E. & Vanin, S. (2022). Observations on the habitat and feeding behaviour of the hypogean genus Eukoenenia (Palpigradi, Eukoeneniidae) in the Western Italian Alps. Subterranean Biology 42: 23-41. doi: doi: 10.3897/subtbiol.42.75784 -- Show included taxa

Date Type Reference Old value
2022-10-19 New taxonomic reference entry Balestra, Lana and Vanin, 2022
2022-10-19 New taxonomic reference entry Balestra, Lana and Vanin, 2022
2022-08-19 Taxonomic reference update Balestra, Lana and Casale, 2019
2022-08-19 Taxonomic reference update Balestra, Lana and Casale, 2019
2022-08-19 New taxonomic reference entry Balestra, Lana and Casale, 2019