WAC Bibliography

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7,802 references

Ćurčić, B.P.M. & Tomić, V.T. (1999). On some changes of trichobothrial pattern in Neobisium carpaticum Beier (Neobisiidae, Pseudoscorpiones). Part II. Arhiv Bioloskih Nauka, Beograd 51: 45–46. -- Show included taxa

Ćurčić, B.P.M., Dimitrijević, R.N. & Lučić, L.R. (1999). On some pedipalpal chelal deficiencies in Roncus pannonius, Neobisium bernardi, N. carpaticum, and N. cephalonicum (Neobisiidae, Pseudoscorpiones). Arhiv Bioloskih Nauka, Beograd 51: 41–42. -- Show included taxa

Ćurčić, B.P.M., Dimitrijević, R.N., Lučić, L.R. & Ćurčić, N.B. (1999). A unique case of chelal anomaly in Neobisium tuzetae Vachon (Neobisiidae, Pseudoscorpiones) from France. Arhiv Bioloskih Nauka, Beograd 51: 13–14. -- Show included taxa

Ćurčić, B.P.M., Dimitrijević, R.N., Stojkovska, E.A., Stanović-Jovanović, S.V. & Karamata, O.S. (1999). Further report on some false scorpions (Neobisiidae, Pseudoscorpiones) from Macedonia (FYROM). Arhiv Bioloskih Nauka, Beograd 51: 9–10. -- Show included taxa

Ćurčić, B.P.M., Sudhaus, W. & Makarov, S.E. (1999). Rhabditophanes quadrilabiatus (Nematoda) phoretic on Neobisium carpaticum, N. sylvaticum and Roncus lubricus (Pseudoscorpiones). Arhiv Bioloskih Nauka, Beograd 51: 49–50. -- Show included taxa

Ćurčić, B.P.M., Sudhaus, W., Karamata, O.S., Tomić, V.T. & Ćurčić, S.B. (1999). A rhabditid nematode phoretic on pseudoscorpions. Arhiv Bioloskih Nauka, Beograd 51: 19–20. -- Show included taxa

Ćurčić, B.P.M., Tomić, V.T. & Karamata, O.S. (1999). On some changes of trichobothrial pattern in Neobisium carpaticum Beier (Neobisiidae, Pseudoscorpiones). Part I. Arhiv Bioloskih Nauka, Beograd 51: 43–44. -- Show included taxa

Dashdamirov, S. (1999). New records of false scorpions in the Caucasus (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones). Arthropoda Selecta 8: 79–87. -- Show included taxa

Deleporte, S. & Tillier, P. (1999). Long-term effects of mineral amendments on soil fauna and humus in an acid beech forest floor. Forest Ecology and Management 118: 245–252. -- Show included taxa

DeVore-Scribante, A. (1999). Les pseudoscorpions (Arachnida) de la Suisse: étude systématique, faunistique et biogéographique. Université de Genève. [Thèse de doctorat en biologie] -- Show included taxa

Dimitrijević, R.N. (1999). On the external morphology and postembryonic development of Neobisium bernardi Vachon, 1937 (Neobisiidae, Pseudoscorpiones) from France. Archiv Bioloskih Nauka, Beograd 51: 149–158. -- Show included taxa

Ducháč, V. (1999a). The contemporary research of the pseudoscorpion fauna in the Czech Republic. American Arachnology 59: 14. -- Show included taxa

Ducháč, V. (1999b). Merkmale zur Bestimmung der Art Neobisium (Blothrus) slovacum (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones). Entomologische Zeitschrift 109: 175–180. -- Show included taxa

Ducháč, V. (1999c). Rozšírenie štúrika Neobisium polonicum (Pseudoscorpiones) v Slovenskej Republike. Natura Carpatica 40: 207–210. -- Show included taxa

Ducháč, V. (1999d). Fund der Art Withius hispanus L. Koch 1873 in Südbulgarien (Pseudoscorpiones, Withiidae). Entomologische Zeitschrift 109: 496–498. -- Show included taxa

Ducháč, V. (1999e). Morfologie pedipalpů Neobisium carcinoides (Pseudoscorpiones: Neobisiidae) z České Republiky. Východočeský Sborník Přírodovědný-Práce a Studie 7: 105–113. -- Show included taxa

Dunlop, J.[A.] (1999). Poecilophysidea: a forgotten arachnid order illustrating a forgotten phylogenetic hypothesis. Newsletter of the British Arachnological Society 85: 4–6. -- Show included taxa

El-Hennawy, H.K. (1999). Sun-spiders of the Arab countries (Arachnida: Solpugida). Serket 6: 73–104. -- Show included taxa

Engel, K. (1999). Analyse und Bewertung von Umbaumaßnahmen in Fichtereinbeständen anhand ökologischer Gilden der Wirbellosen-Fauna. Wiss. & Techn. Verl. [= Diss. Univ. Freising]. -- Show included taxa

Ferreira, R.L. & Martins, R.P. (1999). Trophic structure and natural history of bat guano invertebrate communities, with special reference to Brazilian caves. Tropical Zoology 12: 231–252. -- Show included taxa

Forster, R.R. & Forster, L.M. (1999). Spiders of New Zealand and their worldwide kin. University of Otago Press and Otago Museum, Dunedin. -- Show included taxa

Gromov, A.V. (1999). [Variability in the number of the ventral spines at the extremities of solpugid Daesia rossica Birula, 1905 (Arachnida: Solifugae, Daesiidae)]. In: Problems of conservation and sustainable use of animal biodiversity in Kazakhstan. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference, 6-8 April, 1999 Tethys, Almaty: 114. -- Show included taxa

Harvey, M.S. (1999a). The identity of the Indonesian pseudoscorpions Lagynochthonius johni (Redikorzev) and Lagynochthonius roeweri Chamberlin (Pseudoscorpiones: Chthoniidae). Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 11: 247–250. -- Show included taxa

Harvey, M.S. (1999b). The Asian species of Microcreagris Balzan (Pseudoscorpiones: Neobisiidae) described by J.C. Chamberlin. Acta Arachnologica 48: 93–105. -- Show included taxa

Henderickx, H. (1999a). Microbisium suecicum: een nieuwe soort voor de Belgische fauna (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones). Phegea 27: 1–3. -- Show included taxa