Values before 2022-11-12
Authority year1804
Authority parentheses1
Is fossil0
Taxon rankspecies
Taxon statusaccepted
Genus gender
Original combinationChelifer carcinoides
Type repository
Parent taxonID: 405
Name: Neobisium
Additional taxon dataRealm:
Locus typicus: 7 km S. of Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, Alsace, France (neotype).
Habitat: Epigean
Taxon comment:
Country: DZA
Distribution comment:
Country: AUT
Distribution comment:
Country: BEL
Distribution comment:
Country: BIH
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Country: BGR
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Country: HRV
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Country: CZE
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Country: DNK
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Country: EST
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Country: FIN
Distribution comment:
Country: FRA
Distribution comment: (mainland, Corse)
Country: GEO
Distribution comment:
Country: DEU
Distribution comment:
Country: GRC
Distribution comment: (Crete)
Country: HUN
Distribution comment:
Country: ISL
Distribution comment:
Country: IND
Distribution comment:
Country: IRL
Distribution comment:
Country: ITA
Distribution comment: (mainland, Sardinia, Sicily)
Country: KAZ
Distribution comment:
Country: KEN
Distribution comment:
Country: LVA
Distribution comment:
Country: LUX
Distribution comment:
Country: MKD
Distribution comment:
Country: MNE
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Country: MAR
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Country: NLD
Distribution comment:
Country: NOR
Distribution comment:
Country: POL
Distribution comment:
Country: PRT
Distribution comment: (mainland)
Country: ROU
Distribution comment:
Country: RUS
Distribution comment: (Respublika Altay)
Country: SRB
Distribution comment:
Country: SVK
Distribution comment:
Country: SVN
Distribution comment:
Country: ESP
Distribution comment: (mainland)
Country: SWE
Distribution comment:
Country: CHE
Distribution comment:
Country: TUN
Distribution comment:
Country: UKR
Distribution comment:
Country: GBR
Distribution comment:
Locus typicusLatitude: 48.516666
Longitude: 7.766666
Location name: 7 km S. of Strasbourg
Subgenus idID: 7717
Name: Neobisium
Taxon status: accepted
Taxon rank: subgenus