Surazomus cumbalensis (Kraus, 1957)


Original combination: Trithyreus cumbalensis


Taxonomic references

Trithyreus cumbalensis

Kraus, 1957: 246–247, figs 1–6 original description
Rémy, 1961a: 407
Manzanilla, de Miranda and Giupponi, 2016: 15-19, figs 8, 9

Schizomus cumbalensis (Kraus):

Rowland and Reddell, 1979a: 162
Rowland and Reddell, 1979b: 117, figs 34, 41, 51, 67

Surazomus cumbalensis (Kraus):

Reddell and Cokendolpher, 1995: 119
Reddell and Cokendolpher, 2002: 388
Harvey, 2003c: 127
Armas, 2010b: 213, figs d–f
Manzanilla, de Miranda and Giupponi, 2016: 1–14, figs 3G–3H, 5, 8A–8D, 9A–9D, Table 1

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors
Distribution table
Type locality: Cumbal, between Paso and Ipiales, Nariño, Colombia.


Locality Lat Lon
1 Cumbal 0.9 -77.783333
Type repository
Zoobank LSID


Armas, L.F. de (2010b). Schizomida de sudamérica (Chelicerata: Arachnida). Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa 46: 203–234. -- Show included taxa

Harvey, M.S. (2003c). Catalogue of the smaller arachnid orders of the world: Amblypygi, Uropygi, Schizomida, Palpigradi, Ricinulei and Solifugae. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne. -- Show included taxa

Kraus, O. (1957). Schizomidae aus Kolumbien (Arach., Pedipalpi - Schizopeltidia). Senckenbergiana Biologica 38: 245–250. -- Show included taxa

Manzanilla, Osvaldo Villarreal, de Miranda, Gustavo Silva & Giupponi, Alessandro Ponce de Leão (2016). New proposal of setal homology in Schizomida and revision of Surazomus (Hubbardiidae) from Ecuador. PLoS One 11(2): e0147012. doi: -- Show included taxa

Reddell, J.R. & Cokendolpher, J.C. (1995). Catalogue, bibliography, and generic revision of the order Schizomida (Arachnida). Texas Memorial Museum, Speleological Monographs 4: 1–170. -- Show included taxa

Reddell, J.R. & Cokendolpher, J.C. (2002). Schizomida. In: Adis, J. (ed.) Amazonian Arachnida and Myriapoda Pensoft Publishers, Sofia: 387–398. -- Show included taxa

Rémy, P.A. (1961a). Sur l'écologie des schizomides (Arachn. Uropyges) de mes récoltes, avec description de trois Schizomus nouveaux, capturés par J. van der Drift au Surinam. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (2) 33: 406–414, 500–511. -- Show included taxa

Rowland, J.M. & Reddell, J.R. (1979a). The order Schizomida (Arachnida) in the New World. I. Protoschizomidae and dumitrescoae group (Schizomidae: Schizomus). Journal of Arachnology 6: 161–196. -- Show included taxa

Rowland, J.M. & Reddell, J.R. (1979b). The order Schizomida (Arachnida) in the New World. II. Simonis and brasiliensis groups (Schizomidae: Schizomus). Journal of Arachnology 7: 89–119. -- Show included taxa

Date Type Reference Old value
2022-08-30 Taxonomic reference update Manzanilla, de Miranda and Giupponi, 2016
2022-08-30 New taxonomic reference entry Manzanilla, de Miranda and Giupponi, 2016
2022-08-30 New taxonomic reference entry Manzanilla, de Miranda and Giupponi, 2016