Rowlandius ufpi Silva, Santos and Carvalho, 2024


Original combination: Rowlandius ufpi


Taxonomic references

Rowlandius sp.

Ontano, Gainett, Aharon, Ballesteros, Benavides, Corbett, Gavish-Regev, Harvey, Monsma, Santibáñez-López, Setton, Zehms, Zeh, Zeh and Sharma, 2021: 2459, fig. 10–11

Rowlandius ufpi Silva, Santos and Carvalho:

Silva, Santos and Carvalho, 2024: 405–418, figs. 1–58 original description

Distribution table
Type locality: Riverine forest along the Parnaíba River margins, Fazenda do Colégio Técnico de Floriano, Floriano, Piauí, Brazil.


Locality Lat Lon
1 Riverine forest along the Parnaíba River margins, Fazenda do Colégio Técnico de Floriano -6.759222 -43.054972
Type repository
  • Holotype Coleção de História Natural da Universidade Federal do Piauí (CHNUFPI), Floriano, Brazil Male (CHNUFPI 4056)

Ontano, A.Z., Gainett, G., Aharon, S., Ballesteros, A., Benavides, L.R., Corbett, K.F., Gavish-Regev, E., Harvey, M.S., Monsma, S., Santibáñez-López, C.E., Setton, E.V.W., Zehms, J.T., Zeh, J.A., Zeh, D.W. & Sharma, P.P. (2021). Taxonomic sampling and rare genomic changes overcome long-branch attraction in the phylogenetic placement of pseudoscorpions. Molecular Biology and Evolution 38: 2446–2467. -- Show included taxa

Silva, I.S.S., Santos, A.J. & Carvalho, L.S. (2024). A potentially endangered new species of the genus Rowlandius (Arachnida: Schizomida: Hubbardiidae) from Northeastern Brazil. Zootaxa 5458(3): 403–419. doi: -- Show included taxa

Date Type Reference Old value
2024-07-05 New taxonomic reference entry Ontano, Gainett, Aharon, Ballesteros, Benavides, Corbett, Gavish-Regev, Harvey, Monsma, Santibáñez-López, Setton, Zehms, Zeh, Zeh and Sharma, 2021
2024-07-05 Species updated Old value
2024-07-05 Species updated Old value
2024-07-05 New taxonomic reference entry Silva, Santos and Carvalho, 2024
2024-07-05 New species inserted