Genus: Ammotrechella Roewer, 1934 | Family: Ammotrechidae Roewer, 1934 | Order: Solifugae Sundevall, 1833

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Species List

# Genus Species Author Links
1 Ammotrechella apejii Muma, 1971 Data
2 Ammotrechella bahamica Muma, 1986 Data
3 Ammotrechella beatriceae Teruel and Questel, 2011 Data
4 Ammotrechella bolivari Mello-Leitão, 1942 Data
5 Ammotrechella bonariensis (Werner, 1925) Data
6 Ammotrechella cubae (Lucas, 1835) Data
7 Ammotrechella diaspora Roewer, 1934 Data
8 Ammotrechella geniculata (C.L. Koch, 1842) Data
9 Ammotrechella hispaniolana Armas and Alegre, 2001 Data
10 Ammotrechella jutisi Armas and Teruel, 2005 Data
11 Ammotrechella maguirei Muma, 1986 Data
12 Ammotrechella manggi Acosta-Berrocal, Bedoya-Roqueme, Salleg-Perez and Quirós-Rodríguez, 2017 Data
13 Ammotrechella pallida Muma and Nezario, 1971 Data
14 Ammotrechella pseustes (Chamberlin, 1925) Data
15 Ammotrechella setulosa Muma, 1951 Data
16 Ammotrechella stimpsoni (Putnam, 1883) Data
17 Ammotrechella tabogana (Chamberlin, 1919) Data