Karschia (Rhinokarschia) rhinoceros Birula, 1922


Original combination: Karschia rhinoceros

Subgenus Rhinokarschia

LSID urn:lsid:wac.nmbe.ch:name:3d613255-266c-48c2-87fb-ccba648bc3a1

Taxonomic references

Karschia rhinoceros

Birula, 1922: 200 original description
Roewer, 1933: 299, figs 221g, 222g, 223m
Birula, 1938: 61–64, figs 37–39 (referred to subgenus Karschia (Rhinokarschia) on p. 43)
Zilch, 1946: 123
Millot and Vachon, 1949: n/a, fig. 268b
Gromov, 1996: 103

Karschia (Rhinokarschia) rhinoceros Birula:

Harvey, 2003c: 287
Gromov, 2004: 89

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors
Distribution table
China (Xinjiang)
Type locality: near Khujand, Fergana (as Ferghana) Valley, Khujand, Tajikistan.


Locality Lat Lon
1 Khujand 40.283333 69.633333
Type repository
  • Holotype (SMF)

Birula, A. (1922). Revisio analytica specierum asiaticarum generis Karschia Walter (Arachnoidea, Solifugae). Annuaire du Musée Zoologique de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de St.-Pétersbourg (Petrograd) 23: 197–201. -- Show included taxa

Birula, A. (1938). Arachnides, Ordo Solifuga. In: Faune de l'URSS L'Académie des Sciences de l'URSS, Moscow, Leningrad 1(3): i–vii, 1–173. -- Show included taxa

Gromov, A.V. (1996). Solifugae - Sol'pugi, falangi - sun spiders. In: Genetical fund cadastre of Kyrgyzstan. Vira, Bacteria, Animalia (Protozoa, Porifera, Coelenterata, Plathelminthes, Acanthocephales, Annelida, Bryozoa, Mollusca, Tardigrada, Arthropoda) Institute for Biology and Pedology, National Academy of Sciences, Kyrghyz Republic, Bishkek 2: 103. -- Show included taxa

Gromov, A.V. (2004). Four new species of the genus Karschia Walter, 1889 (Arachnida: Solifugae: Karschiidae) from Central Asia. European Arachnology 2003. Arthropoda Selecta, Special Issue 1: 83–92. -- Show included taxa

Harvey, M.S. (2003c). Catalogue of the smaller arachnid orders of the world: Amblypygi, Uropygi, Schizomida, Palpigradi, Ricinulei and Solifugae. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne. -- Show included taxa

Millot, J. & Vachon, M. (1949). Ordre des Solifuges. In: Grassé, P.-P. (ed.) Traité de zoologie Masson, Paris 6: 482–519. -- Show included taxa

Roewer, C.F. (1933). Solifugae, Palpigradi. In: Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs. 5: Arthropoda. IV: Arachnoidea Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft M.B.H., Leipzig 5(IV)(4)(2–3): 161–480. -- Show included taxa

Zilch, A. (1946). Katalog der Solifugen (Arach.) des Senckenberg-Museums. Senckenbergiana 27: 119–154. -- Show included taxa


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