Gluvia chapmani Pocock, 1903


Original combination: Gluvia chapmani


Junior synonym of: Gluvia dorsalis Latreille, 1817

Taxonomic references

Gluvia chapmani

Pocock, 1903b: 222–223, unnumbered fig original description
Fernández, 1910: 412
Roewer, 1933: 385, fig. 273b
Baehr and Baehr, 1987: 118, fig. (synonymised by Rambla and Barrientos, 1986: 214)

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Distribution table
Type locality: Bejar, Salamanca, Castilla y León, Spain.


Locality Lat Lon
1 Béjar 40.283333 -5.766666
Type repository
  • Holotype male (BMNH?)
Zoobank LSID


Baehr, B. & Baehr, M. (1987). Welche Spinne ist das? Kosmos, Stuttgart. -- Show included taxa

Fernández, G.E. (1910). Datos para el conocimiento de la distribución geográfica de los Arácnidos de España. Memorias de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural 6: 343–424. -- Show included taxa

Pocock, R.I. (1903b). Descriptions of four new Arachnida of the orders Pedipalpi, Solifugae, and Araneae. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (7) 11: 220–226. -- Show included taxa

Rambla, M. & Barrientos, J.A. (1986). Nuevos datos sobre Gluvia dorsalis (Latreille, 1817) (Solifugae, Daesiidae). In: Eberhard, W.G., Lubin, Y.D. and Robinson, B.C. (ed.) Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Arachnology, Panama 1983 Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C.: 213–218. -- Show included taxa

Roewer, C.F. (1933). Solifugae, Palpigradi. In: Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs. 5: Arthropoda. IV: Arachnoidea Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft M.B.H., Leipzig 5(IV)(4)(2–3): 161–480. -- Show included taxa


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