Phrynus barbadensis (Pocock, 1894)


Original combination: Tarantula barbadensis


Taxonomic references

Tarantula barbadensis Pocock:

Pocock, 1894c: 529–530, fig. 1 original description

Neophrynus palmatus (Herbst):

Kraepelin, 1895: 30 (in part)

Tarantula palmata barbadensis (Pocock):

Kraepelin, 1899a: 244 (in part)
Kraepelin, 1901b: 264
Börner, 1904: 5
Kraepelin, 1912: 28 (specimens from Colombia, misidentification?)
Scheuring, 1913: 590
Kästner, 1932a: n/a, fig. 7

Phrynus barbadensis (Pocock):

Pocock, 1902c: 51, plate 10, figs. 6, 6a
Franganillo Balboa, 1931: 120, fig. 4 (misidentification?)
Franganillo Balboa, 1934: 161 (misidentification?)
Mello-Leitão, 1931: 41
Franganillo Balboa, 1936: 149, fig. 81 (misidentification?)
Schenkel, 1953a: 1 (Venezuela - misidentification?)
Torres and Heatwole, 1967: 546–557, fig. 1
Quintero, 1981: 145–146, figs. 78–83, 111, 153, 169, map 2
Ávila Calvo and Armas, 1997: 31
Harvey, 2003c: 26
Armas, 2004b: 41
Armas, 2006a: 232, figs. 16–17
Armas and Seiter, 2013: 128–131, figs. 1–3
Seiter and Hörweg, 2014: 53
Torres-Contreras, Armas, Torres-Contreras and Álvarez García, 2015: 79, figs. 1a–c
Torres, Armas and Tovar-Márquez, 2019: n/a, figs. 1a–c

Admetus barbadensis (Pocock):

Alexander, 1962a: 380–382, fig. 1
Alexander, 1962b: 25–36, figs. 1a–b, 3a–c, 4a–b
Cloudsley-Thompson, 1968: 159
Kaestner, 1968: 123, figs. 10–6, 10–7a–e
Schaller, 1971: 425 (as Ademetus [sic] barbadensis)

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors
Distribution table
St. Vincent and Grenadines
Type locality: Barbados.


Locality Lat Lon
1 Barbados 13.166666 -59.583333
Type repository
  • Syntype British Museum of Natural History (BMNH) (= NHM, Natural History Museum), London, UK 2 males, 1 female
Zoobank LSID


Alexander, A.J. (1962a). Courtship and mating in amblypygids (Pedipalpi, Arachnida). Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 138: 379–383. doi: -- Show included taxa

Alexander, A.J. (1962b). Biology and behavior of Damon variegatus Perty of South Africa and Admetus barbadensis Pocock of Trinidad, W.I. (Arachnida, Pedipalpi). Zoologica 47: 25–37. doi: -- Show included taxa

Armas, L.F. de (2004b). Arácnidos de República Dominicana. Palpigradi, Schizomida, Solifugae y Thelyphonida (Chelicerata: Arachnida). Revista Ibérica de Aracnología, especial monográfico 2: 1–64. -- Show included taxa

Armas, L.F. de (2006a). Sinopsis de los amblipígidos antillanos (Arachnida: Amblypygi). Boletín Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa 38: 223–245. -- Show included taxa

Ávila Calvo, A.F. & Armas, L.F. de (1997). Lista de los amblipígidos (Arachnida: Amblypygi) de México, Centroamérica y las Antillas. Cocuyo 6: 31–32. -- Show included taxa

Börner, C. (1904). Beitrage zur Morphologie der Arthropoden. I. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Pedipalpen. Zoologica, Stuttgart 42: 1–174. -- Show included taxa

Cloudsley-Thompson, J.L. (1968). Spiders, scorpions, centipedes and mites. Pergamon Press, Oxford. [revised edition] -- Show included taxa

Franganillo Balboa, P. (1931). Excursiones aracnológicas durante el mes de Agosto de 1930. Revista Belén, La Habana 24: 44–49, 116–120, 168–171, 219–224, 285–288. -- Show included taxa

Franganillo Balboa, P. (1934). Arácnidos cubanos estudiados desde 1930 hasta 1934. Memorias de la Sociedad Poey, Universidad de la Habana 8: 145–168. -- Show included taxa

Franganillo Balboa, P. (1936). Los Arácnidos de Cuba hasta 1936. Cultural S.A., La Habana. -- Show included taxa

Harvey, M.S. (2003c). Catalogue of the smaller arachnid orders of the world: Amblypygi, Uropygi, Schizomida, Palpigradi, Ricinulei and Solifugae. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne. -- Show included taxa

Kaestner, A. (1968). Arthropod relatives, Chelicerata, Myriapoda. In: Invertebrate zoology John Wiley & Sons, New York 2. -- Show included taxa

Kästner, A. (1932a). Pedipalpi Latreille = Geissel-Scorpione. In: Kükenthal, W. (ed.) Handbuch der Zoologie Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin und Leipzig 3 (2) (2): 1–76. -- Show included taxa

Kraepelin, K. (1895). Revision der Tarantuliden Fabr.. Verhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg 13(3): 3–53. -- Show included taxa

Kraepelin, K. (1899a). Scorpiones und Pedipalpi. Tierreich 8: i–xviii, 1–265. -- Show included taxa

Kraepelin, K. (1901b). Catalogue des Pédipalpes des collections du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris 7: 263–264. -- Show included taxa

Kraepelin, K. (1912). Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Skorpione und Pedipalpen Columbiens. In: Dr O. Fuhrmann & Dr Eug. Mayor, Voyage d'exploration scientifique en Colombie.. Memoires de la Société Neuchâteloise des Sciences Naturelles 5: 15–28. -- Show included taxa

Mello-Leitão, C. (1931). Pedipalpos do Brasil e algumas notas sobre a ordem. Archivos do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro 33: 8–72. -- Show included taxa

Pocock, R.I. (1894c). Contributions to our knowledge of the arthropod fauna of the West Indies. III. Supplement on the Pedipalpi of the West Indies. Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Zoology 24: 527–542. -- Show included taxa

Pocock, R.I. (1902c). Arachnida: Scorpiones, Pedipalpi, and Solifugae. In: Godman, F.D. and Salvin, O. (ed.) Biologia Centrali-Americana Taylor and Francis, London 3: 1–71. -- Show included taxa

Quintero, D., Jr (1981). The amblypygid genus Phrynus in the Americas (Amblypygi, Phrynidae). Journal of Arachnology 9: 117–166. -- Show included taxa

Schaller, F. (1971). Indirect sperm transfer by soil arthropods. Annual Review of Entomology 16: 407–446. -- Show included taxa

Schenkel, E. (1953a). Bericht über einige Spinnentiere aus Venezuela. Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel 64: 1–57. -- Show included taxa

Scheuring, L. (1913). Die Augen der Arachnoideen. Zoologische Jahrbücher, Anatomie und Ontogenie 33: 553–636. -- Show included taxa

Seiter, M. & Hörweg, C. (2014). The whip spider collection (Arachnida, Amblypygi) held in the Natural History Museum Vienna, Austria. Arachnologische Mitteilungen 46: 47–53. -- Show included taxa

Torres, F. & Heatwole, H. (1967). Orientation of some scorpions and tailless whip-scorpions. Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie 24: 546–557. -- Show included taxa

Armas, L.F. de, Torres-Contreras, R., Torres-Contreras, R. & Álvarez García, D.M. (2015). Cannibalism in whip spiders (Arachnida: Amblypygi). Revista Ibérica de Aracnología 26: 79–80. -- Show included taxa

Torres, R.A., Armas, L.F. de & Tovar-Márquez, J. (2019). Aspects of the natural history of Phrynus barbadensis (Pocock, 1893) (Amblypygi: Phrynidae). Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 78(1): 12–21. doi: -- Show included taxa

Armas, L.F. de & Seiter, M. (2013). Phrynus gervaisii (Pocock, 1894) is a junior synonym of Phrynus barbadensis (Pocock, 1893) (Amblypygi: Phrynidae). Revista Ibérica de Aracnologia 23: 128–132. -- Show included taxa

Date Type Reference Old value
2024-05-14 Species updated Old value
2024-04-24 New taxonomic reference entry Armas and Seiter, 2013
2024-03-29 Taxonomic reference update Franganillo Balboa, 1931
2024-03-28 Taxonomic reference update Kaestner, 1968
2024-03-28 Taxonomic reference update Alexander, 1962
2024-03-28 Taxonomic reference update Alexander, 1962
2024-03-28 Taxonomic reference update Torres, Armas and Tovar-Márquez, 2019
2024-03-28 Taxonomic reference update Torres-Contreras, Armas, Torres-Contreras and Álvarez García, 2015
2024-03-28 Taxonomic reference update Armas, 2006
2024-03-28 Taxonomic reference update Quintero, 1981
2024-03-28 Taxonomic reference update Torres and Heatwole, 1967
2024-03-28 Taxonomic reference update Franganillo Balboa, 1936
2024-03-28 Taxonomic reference update Pocock, 1902
2024-03-28 Taxonomic reference update Kästner, 1932
2024-03-28 Taxonomic reference update Pocock, 1894
2024-03-28 Taxonomic reference update
2024-03-28 Species updated Old value
2022-03-18 New taxonomic reference entry Torres, Armas and Tovar-Márquez, 2019
2022-03-18 New taxonomic reference entry Torres, Armas and Tovar-Márquez, 2019