Ditha (Ditha) ogasawarensis Sato, 1981


Original combination: Ditha (Ditha) ogasawarensis

Subgenus Ditha

LSID urn:lsid:wac.nmbe.ch:name:0bcf814e-25a2-49d0-9fc6-0366e41ade0b

Taxonomic references

Ditha (Ditha) ogasawarensis

Sato, 1981: 11–14, figs 1–14 original description
Harvey, 1991a: 221
Sato, 1991a: 22, fig. 66–1
Sato, 1991b: 216, fig. 1
Sato, 1994b: 79

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Distribution table

Realm: Palearctic

Type locality: Shindo-iriguchi, Chibusa-yama, Hahajima, Ogasawara-shoto, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan.


Locality Lat Lon
1 Chibusa-yama 26.666666 142.15
Type repository

Harvey, M.S. (1991a). Catalogue of the Pseudoscorpionida. Manchester University Press, Manchester. -- Show included taxa

Sato, H. (1981). A new species of the genus Ditha from Japan (Pseudoscorpionidea: Dithidae). Edaphologia 24: 11–14. -- Show included taxa

Sato, H. (1991a). [Pseudoscorpiones]. In: Aoki, J. (ed.) [Pictorial keys to soil animals of Japan] Tokai University Press, Tokai: 64–69. -- Show included taxa

Sato, H. (1991b). [Pseudoscorpions from Ogasawara Islands]. In: Ono, M. (ed.) [Report of the second general survey on natural environment of the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands] Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo: 216–219. -- Show included taxa

Sato, H. (1994b). [Pseudoscorpions]. In: Environment Agency (ed.) [A checklist of the Japanese species of wildlife] Japan Wildlife Research Center, Tokyo: 79–81. -- Show included taxa


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