Philomaoria novazealandica Chamberlin, 1931


Original combination: Philomaoria nova-zealandica


Genus type of Philomaoria Chamberlin, 1931

Junior synonym of: Philomaoria pallipes White, 1849

Taxonomic references

Philomaoria novazealandica

Chamberlin, 1931c: 291–292 (as Philomaoria nova-zealandica) original description
Beier, 1932e: 226 (as Philomaoria nova-zealandica)
Chamberlin, 1934b: 11 (as Philomaoria nova-zealandica)
Roewer, 1937: 310 (as Philomaoria nova-zealandica)
Beier, 1948c: 550–551, fig. 15 (as Philomaoria nova-zealandica)
Beier, 1962g: 402 (as Philomaoria nova-zealandica)
Beier, 1966c: 376
Beier, 1969e: 414 (synonymised with Philomaoria pallipes by Beier, 1976f: 241)
Judson, 1997a: 30–31 (as junior synonym of Philomaoria pallipes (White))
Sirvid, Zhang, Harvey, Rhode, Cook, Bartsch and Staples, 2010: 89

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors
Distribution table
Type locality: New Brighton, Canterbury, South Island, New Zealand.


Locality Lat Lon
1 New Brighton -43.5 172.733333
Type repository
Zoobank LSID


Beier, M. (1932e). Pseudoscorpionidea II. Subord. C. Cheliferinea. Tierreich 58: i–xxi, 1–294. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1948c). Über Pseudoscorpione der australischen Region. Eos, Madrid 24: 525–562. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1962g). On some Pseudoscorpionidea from New Zealand. Records of the Canterbury Museum 7: 399–402. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1966c). Zur Kenntnis der Pseudoscorpioniden-Fauna Neu-Seelands. Pacific Insects 8: 363–379. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1969e). Additional remarks to the New Zealand Pseudoscorpionidea. Records of the Auckland Institute and Museum 6: 413–418. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1976f). The pseudoscorpions of New Zealand, Norfolk and Lord Howe. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 3: 199–246. -- Show included taxa

Chamberlin, J.C. (1931c). A synoptic revision of the generic classification of the chelonethid family Cheliferidae Simon (Arachnida). Canadian Entomologist 63: 289–294. -- Show included taxa

Chamberlin, J.C. (1934b). Check list of the false scorpions of Oceania. Occasional Papers of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum 10(22): 1–14. -- Show included taxa

Judson, M.L.I. (1997a). Catalogue of the pseudoscorpion types (Arachnida: Chelonethi) in the Natural History Museum, London. Occasional Papers on Systematic Entomology 11: 1–54. -- Show included taxa

Roewer, C.F. (1937). Chelonethi oder Pseudoskorpione. In: Bronns, H.G. (ed.) Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft M.B.H., Leipzig 5(IV)(6)(1): 161–320. -- Show included taxa

Sirvid, P.J., Zhang, Z.-Q., Harvey, M.S., Rhode, B.E., Cook, D.R., Bartsch, I. & Staples, D.A. (2010). Phylum Arthropoda, Chelicerata, horseshoe crabs, arachnids and sea spiders. In: Gordon, D. (ed.) The New Zealand inventory of biodiversity: a Species 2000 Symposium review Canterbury University Press, Christchurch 1: 50–89. -- Show included taxa


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