Illinichernes distinctus Hoff, 1949


Original combination: Illinichernes distinctus


Genus type of Illinichernes Hoff, 1949

Taxonomic references

Illinichernes distinctus

Hoff, 1949b: 481–484, figs 46a–e original description
Hoff and Bolsterli, 1956: 169
Hoff, 1958: 25
Lawson, 1968: 4351
Nelson, 1975: 290, figs 64–67
Zeh, 1987b: 1085
Muchmore, 1990a: 521, fig. 18.84
Harvey, 1991a: 586
Snider and Nelson, 1991: 262
Villegas-Guzmán and Pérez, 2005a: 65, 67, 76
Francke and Villegas-Guzmán, 2006: 295
Villegas-Guzmán, Roldán-Hernández and Campillo, 2012: 152

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Distribution table

Realm: Nearctic

US (Indiana, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan)
Type locality: Magnolia, Putnam County, Illinois, U.S.A.


Locality Lat Lon
1 Magnolia 41.116666 -89.2
Type repository
Zoobank LSID


Francke, O.F. & Villegas-Guzmán, G.A. (2006). Symbiotic relationships between pseudoscorpions (Arachnida) and packrats (Rodentia). Journal of Arachnology 34: 289–298. -- Show included taxa

Harvey, M.S. (1991a). Catalogue of the Pseudoscorpionida. Manchester University Press, Manchester. -- Show included taxa

Hoff, C.C. (1949b). The pseudoscorpions of Illinois. Bulletin of the Illinois Natural History Survey 24: 407–498. -- Show included taxa

Hoff, C.C. (1958). List of the pseudoscorpions of North America north of Mexico. American Museum Novitates 1875: 1–50. -- Show included taxa

Hoff, C.C. & Bolsterli, J.E. (1956). Pseudoscorpions of the Mississippi River drainage basin area. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 75: 155–179. -- Show included taxa

Lawson, J.E. (1968). Systematic studies of some pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpionida) from the southeastern United States. (Dissertation Abstracts 28B: 4351).. Virginia Polytechnic Institute. [Ph.D.] -- Show included taxa

Muchmore, W.B. (1990a). Pseudoscorpionida. In: Dindal, D.L. (ed.) Soil biology guide John Wiley and Sons, New York: 503–527. -- Show included taxa

Nelson, S.O., Jr (1975). A systematic study of Michigan Pseudoscorpionida (Arachnida). American Midland Naturalist 93: 257–301. -- Show included taxa

Snider, R.J. & Nelson, S.O., Jr (1991). Michigan Pseudoscorpionida, a checklist. Michigan Academician 24: 259–263. -- Show included taxa

Villegas-Guzmán, G.A. & Pérez, T.M. (2005a). Pseudoescorpiones (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpionida) asociados a nidos de ratas del género Neotoma (Mammalia: Rodentia) del Altiplano Mexicano. Acta Zoológica Mexicana (n.s.) 21: 63–77. -- Show included taxa

Villegas-Guzmán, G.A., Roldán-Hernández, L. & Campillo, G. (2012). Pseudoescorpiones (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) presentes en el contenido estomacal de Cophosaurus texanus (Reptilia: Phrynosomatidae) de México. Revista Ibérica de Aracnología 21: 151–152. -- Show included taxa

Zeh, D.W. (1987b). Aggression, density, and sexual dimorphism in chernetid pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpionida). Evolution 41: 1072–1087. -- Show included taxa


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