Ideoblothrus costaricensis (Beier, 1931)


Original combination: Ideobisium costaricense


Taxonomic references

Ideobisium costaricense

Beier, 1931c: 302–303, fig. 2 original description
Beier, 1932a: 159, figs 189, 191
Roewer, 1937: 252
Beier, 1977c: 100 (misidentified)

Ideobisium simile Balzan:

Beier, 1974c: 101 (in part)

Ideoblothrus costaricensis (Beier):

Muchmore, 1982c: 213
Harvey, 1991a: 422–423
Amieva Mau, Harvey and Harms, 2022: 144-146, tables 1-2

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors
Distribution table

Realm: Afrotropic

Costa Rica
Type locality: Tuis, Cartago, Costa Rica.


Locality Lat Lon
1 Tuis 9.85 -83.583333
Type repository
  • undefined Syntypes: 14 adults (Silvestri collection?)
Zoobank LSID


Beier, M. (1931c). Neue Pseudoscorpione der U. O. Neobisiinea. Mitteilung aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 17: 299–318. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1932a). Pseudoscorpionidea I. Subord. Chthoniinea et Neobisiinea. Tierreich 57: i–xx, 1–258. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1974c). Ein neuer Paraliochthonius aus Guatemala. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 81: 101–102. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1977c). Pseudoscorpionidea. In: Leleup, N. (ed.) Mission Zoologique Belge aux îles Galapagos et en Ecuador (N. et J. Leleup, 1964-1965) Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika, Bruxelles 3: 93–112. -- Show included taxa

Harvey, M.S. (1991a). Catalogue of the Pseudoscorpionida. Manchester University Press, Manchester. -- Show included taxa

Muchmore, W.B. (1982c). The genera Ideobisium and Ideoblothrus, with remarks on the family Syarinidae (Pseudoscorpionida). Journal of Arachnology 10: 193–221. -- Show included taxa

Roewer, C.F. (1937). Chelonethi oder Pseudoskorpione. In: Bronns, H.G. (ed.) Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft M.B.H., Leipzig 5(IV)(6)(1): 161–320. -- Show included taxa

Amieva Mau, S., Harvey, M.S. & Harms, D. (2022). New syarinid pseudoscorpions from Ecuador (Pseudoscorpiones, Syarinidae: Ideobisium and Ideoblothrus). European Journal of Taxonomy 821: 102-149. doi: -- Show included taxa

Date Type Reference Old value
2022-11-12 Species updated Old value
2022-11-01 Species updated Old value
2022-10-26 Taxonomic reference update Beier, 1977
2022-10-26 New taxonomic reference entry Amieva Mau, Harvey and Harms, 2022