Pachychernes baileyi Feio, 1945


Original combination: Pachychernes baileyi


Taxonomic references

Pachychernes baileyi

Feio, 1945: 26–30, figs 18–24 original description
Mahnert, 1979d: 775–777, figs 117–118
Adis, 1981: 121, etc
Adis and Mahnert, 1986: 311
Mahnert and Adis, 1986: 213
Adis, Junk and Penny, 1987: 488
Mahnert, Adis and Bührnheim, 1986: n/a, figs 2, 11a
Harvey, 1991a: 611
Martius, Höfer, Verhaagh, Adis and Mahnert, 1994: 20
Morais, Adis, Mahnert and Berti-Filho, 1997: 481
Kury and Nogueira, 1999: 10
Mahnert and Adis, 2002: 478, fig. 2

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Distribution table

Realm: Neotropic

Brazil (Amazonas, Bahia)
Type locality: Barreiras, Bahia, Brazil.


Locality Lat Lon
1 Barreiras -12.15 -45.016666
Type repository
  • Museum Rio de Janeiro, MNRJ
Zoobank LSID


Adis, J. (1981). Comparative ecological studies of the terrestrial arthropod fauna in central Amazonian inundation-forests. Amazoniana 7: 87–173. -- Show included taxa

Adis, J. & Mahnert, V. (1986). On the natural history and ecology of Pseudoscorpiones (Arachnida) from an Amazonian blackwater inundation forest. Amazoniana 9: 297–314. -- Show included taxa

Adis, J., Junk, W.J. & Penny, N.D. (1987). Material zoológico depositado nas coleçoes sistemáticas de entomologia do INPA, resultante do "Projeto INPA/Max-Planck". Acta Amazonica 15: 481–504. doi: -- Show included taxa

Feio, J.L. de Araújo (1945). Novos pseudoscorpiões de região neotropical (com a descriçao de uma subfamilia, dois géneros e sete espécies). Boletim do Museu Nacional Rio de Janeiro, n.s. Zoologia 44: 1–47. -- Show included taxa

Harvey, M.S. (1991a). Catalogue of the Pseudoscorpionida. Manchester University Press, Manchester. -- Show included taxa

Kury, A. & Nogueira, A.L.C. (1999). Annotated check list of type specimens of Arachnida in the Museu Nacional - Rio de Janeiro, I. Scorpiones, Pseudoscorpiones and Solifugae.. Publicações avulsas do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro 77: 1–19. -- Show included taxa

Mahnert, V. (1979d). Pseudoskorpione (Arachnida) aus dem Amazonas-Gebiet (Brasilien). Revue Suisse de Zoologie 86: 719–810. -- Show included taxa

Mahnert, V. & Adis, J. (1986). On the occurrence and habitat of Pseudoscorpiones (Arachnida) from Amazonian forest of Brazil. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 20: 211–215. -- Show included taxa

Mahnert, V. & Adis, J. (2002). Pseudoscorpiones. In: Adis, J. (ed.) Amazonian Arachnida and Myriapoda Pensoft Publishers, Sofia: 367–380. -- Show included taxa

Mahnert, V., Adis, J. & Bührnheim, P.F. (1986). Key to the families of Amazonian Pseudoscorpiones (Arachnida). Amazoniana 10: 21–40. -- Show included taxa

Martius, C., Höfer, H., Verhaagh, M., Adis, J. & Mahnert, V. (1994). Terrestrial arthropods colonizing an abandoned termite nest in a floodplain forest of the Amazon River during the flood. Andrias 13: 17–22. -- Show included taxa

Morais, J.W., Adis, J., Mahnert, V. & Berti-Filho, E. (1997). Abundance and phenology of Pseudoscorpiones (Arachnida) from a mixedwater inundation forest in Central Amazonia, Brazil. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 104: 475–483. -- Show included taxa


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