Neobisium (Neobisium) biharicum Beier, 1939


Original combination: Neobisium (Neobisium) biharicum

Subgenus Neobisium


Junior synonym of: Neobisium polonicum Rafalski, 1936

Taxonomic references

Neobisium (Neobisium) biharicum Beier, 1939:

Beier, 1939c: 10–14, figs 6–8 (synonymised with Neobisium (Neobisium) polonicum by ^Novák and Hörweg, 2017: 278) original description
Szent-Ivány, 1941: 88
Beier, 1947a: 180, fig. 5v
Beier, 1963b: 89–90, fig. 123
Decou and Negrea, 1969: 523
Harvey, 1991a: 348
Ćurčić, Poinar Jr and Sarbu, 1993: 238–240, figs 44–51

Neobisium biharicum Beier:

Verner, 1971: n/a, fig. 33
Dumitrescu, 1976: 275
Georgescu and Capuse, 1996a: 112
Ćurčić and Decu, 2006: 40
Novák, 2013: 162–163, figs 2A–D
Novák, 2015b: 204

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Distribution table

Realm: Palearctic

Type locality: Vaşcău (as Vascáu), Bihor, Romania.


Locality Lat Lon
1 Vascau 46.483333 22.483333
Type repository
Zoobank LSID


Beier, M. (1939c). Pseudoscorpionidea de Roumanie. Bulletin du Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique 15(39): 1–21. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1947a). Die mit praecipuum Simon verwandten Arten der Gattung Neobisium (Pseudoscorp.). Eos, Madrid 23: 165–183. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1963b). Ordnung Pseudoscorpionidea (Afterskorpione). In: Bestimmungsbücher zur Bodenfauna Europas Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1: vi, 313 pp.. -- Show included taxa

Ćurčić, B.P.M. & Decu, V. (2006). The pseudoscorpions of Dobrogea: from origins to the present and perspectives. Travaux de l'Institut de Speologie "Emile Racovitza" 43–44: 35–44. -- Show included taxa

Ćurčić, B.P.M., Poinar Jr, G.O. & Sarbu, S.M. (1993). New and little-known species of Chthoniidae and Neobisiidae (Pseudoscorpiones, Arachnida) from the Movile Cave in southern Dobrogea, Romania. Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde 63: 221–241. -- Show included taxa

Decou, V.G. & Negrea, St. (1969). Apercu zoogéographique sur la faune cavernicole terrestre de Roumanie. Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia 14: 471–546. -- Show included taxa

Dumitrescu, D. (1976). Opilionida, Pseudoscorpionida et Acari. In: Contributions a la connaissance de la faune du département Vrancea.. Travaux du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle Grigore Antipa 17: 273–276. -- Show included taxa

Georgescu, M. & Capuse, I. (1996a). Recherches sur les pseudoscorpions de la Dobrogea (Roumanie). Mémoires de Biospéologie 23: 111–113. -- Show included taxa

Harvey, M.S. (1991a). Catalogue of the Pseudoscorpionida. Manchester University Press, Manchester. -- Show included taxa

Novák, J. (2013). First records of Larca lata (Hansen, 1884) and Neobisium biharicum Beier, 1939 in Hungary. Opuscula Zoologica, Budapest 44: 161–166. -- Show included taxa

Novák, J. (2015b). New data on the pseudoscorpion fauna of Sălaj County, Romania (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones). Studia Universitatis “Vasile Goldiş”, Seria Ştiinţele Vieţii 25: 203–205. -- Show included taxa

Novák, J. & Hörweg, C. (2017). Redescriptions of three species of the genus Neobisium from the Balkans and the Carpathians (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 63: 277–292. -- Show included taxa

Szent-Ivány, J. (1941). Neue Angaben zur Verbreitung der Pseudoscorpione im Karpaten-becken. Fragmenta Faunistica Hungarica 4: 85–90. -- Show included taxa

Verner, P.H. (1971). Štírci - Pseudoscorpionidea. In: Daniel, M. and Černý, V. (ed.) Klič Zviřeny ČSSR Českoslovenká Akademie Věd, Praha 4: 19–31. -- Show included taxa

Date Type Reference Old value
2022-07-03 Species synonymy Novák and Hörweg, 2017
2022-07-03 Taxonomic reference update
2022-07-03 Taxonomic reference update Beier, 1939
2022-07-03 Species updated Old value