Allochernes balcanicus Hadži, 1938


Original combination: Allochernes (Allochernes) balcanicus


Taxonomic references

Allochernes (Allochernes) balcanicus

Hadži, 1938: 23–28, figs 24a–f, 25a–b original description

Allochernes creticus balcanicus Hadži:

Beier, 1963b: 267

Allochernes balcanicus Hadži:

Ćurčić, 1974a: 26
Ćurčić, 1976b: 179
Harvey, 1991a: 536
Dimitrijević, 2000c: 39
Ćurčić, Dimitrijević and Legakis, 2004: 261
Ćurčić, Dimitrijević and Ćurčić, 2020: 17–18

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Distribution table

Realm: Palearctic

North Macedonia
Type locality: cave near Rašče, near Skopje (as Skoplje), Skopje, North Macedonia.


Locality Lat Lon
1 Rašče 42.016666 21.25
Type repository
Zoobank LSID


Beier, M. (1963b). Ordnung Pseudoscorpionidea (Afterskorpione). In: Bestimmungsbücher zur Bodenfauna Europas Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1: vi, 313 pp.. -- Show included taxa

Ćurčić, B.P.M. (1974a). Arachnoidea. Pseudoscorpiones. In: Catalogus faunae Jugoslaviae Academie Slovène, Ljubljana 3(4): 1–35. -- Show included taxa

Ćurčić, B.P.M. (1976b). Une contribution a la connaissance de la faune des pseudoscorpions en Serbie. Glasnik Muzeja Srpske Zemlje, Beograd (B) 31: 169–184. -- Show included taxa

Ćurčić, B.P.M., Dimitrijević, R.N. & Legakis, A. (2004). The pseudoscorpions of Serbia, Montenegro, and the Republic of Macedonia. Institute of Zoology, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Athens. -- Show included taxa

Dimitrijević, R.N. (2000c). A check list of cave-dwelling pseudoscorpions (Pseudoscorpiones, Arachnida) from Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro). Mémoires de Biospéologie 27: 37–40. -- Show included taxa

Hadži, J. (1938). Pseudoskorpioniden aus Südserbien (cont.). Glasnik Skopskog Naucnog Drustva 18: 13–38. -- Show included taxa

Harvey, M.S. (1991a). Catalogue of the Pseudoscorpionida. Manchester University Press, Manchester. -- Show included taxa

Ćurčić, N.B., Ćurčić, N.B. & Ćurčić, S.B. (2020). Checklist of the pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) of Serbia. Arthropoda Selecta 29: 13–27. -- Show included taxa

Date Type Reference Old value
2023-04-17 Species updated Old value
2022-11-18 New taxonomic reference entry Ćurčić, Dimitrijević and Ćurčić, 2020