Tyrannochthoniella ligulifera Beier, 1967


Original combination: Tyrannochthoniella ligulifera

LSID urn:lsid:wac.nmbe.ch:name:e5e6c64f-0c52-4ee0-aa3a-9f89ccc7e983

Junior synonym of: Tyrannochthoniella zealandica Beier, 1966

Taxonomic references

Tyrannochthoniella ligulifera

Beier, 1967b: 284–285, fig. 5 original description
Palma, Lovis and Tither, 1989: 19 (synonymised by Beier, 1976f: 205)

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Distribution table
Type locality: McKenzie's Bush, near Oparau, Waikato, North Island, New Zealand.


Locality Lat Lon
1 Oparau -38.05 174.916666
Type repository

Beier, M. (1967b). Contributions to the knowledge of the Pseudoscorpionidea from New Zealand. Rec. Domin. Mus. 5: 277–303. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1976f). The pseudoscorpions of New Zealand, Norfolk and Lord Howe. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 3: 199–246. -- Show included taxa

Palma, R.L., Lovis, P.M. & Tither, C. (1989). An annotated list of primary types of the phyla Arthropoda (except Crustacea) and Tardigrada held in the National Museum of New Zealand. National Museum of New Zealand, Miscellaneous Series 20: 1–49. -- Show included taxa


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