Pseudocellus boneti (Bolívar y Pieltain, 1942)


Original combination: Cryptocellus boneti


Taxonomic references

Cryptocellus boneti

Bolívar y Pieltain, 1942: 203–207, figs 1–6 original description
Reddell, 1971a: 34
Firstman, 1973: 5, 18, figs 11a–b
Palacios-Vargas, 1981: 64
Reddell, 1981: n/a, fig. 45
Alberti and Palacios-Vargas, 1984: 1–11, figs 1–23
Ebermann and Palacios-Vargas, 1988: 346, 353
Ludwig and Alberti, 1990: 255, fig. 8
Juberthie, 1994: 234, fig. 3
Ludwig, Palacios-Vargas and Alberti, 1994: 263–269, figs 1–19
Alberti, 1995: n/a, figs 3c, 6a
Alberti, 2000: 313, figs 3c, 10, 16, 19c

Pseudocellus boneti (Bolívar y Pieltain):

Platnick, 1980: 352
Vázquez-Rojas, 1995: 27
Vázquez Rojas, 1996f: 80, 81
Harvey, 2003c: 180
605–611, figs 3, 4, 17 Talarico, Palacios-Vargas, Fuentes Silva and Alberti, 2005 (reference missing)
Talarico, Palacios-Vargas, Silva and Alberti, 2006: 447–462, figs 1c, 3b, 3c, 4a
Talarico, Zeck-Kapp, Palacios-Vargas and Alberti, 2009: 1374–1383, figs 1–24
Talarico, Lipke and Alberti, 2011: 90–114, fig. 1c
Fernández and Giribet, 2015: 6

Not Cryptocellus boneti Bolívar y Pieltain:

Beck and Schubart, 1968: 76–77, figs 3, 10, 15, 20 (misidentification, see Pseudocellus dissimulans (Cooke and Shadab))

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Distribution table
Type locality: Grutas de Cacahuamilpa (as Caverna de Cacahuamilpa), Parque Nacional Grutas de Cacahuamilpa, Guerrero, Mexico.


Locality Lat Lon
1 Grutas de Cacahuamilpa 18.683333 -99.5
Type repository
Zoobank LSID


Alberti, G. (1995). Comparative spermatology of Chelicerata: review and perspective. Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris 166: 203–230. -- Show included taxa

Alberti, G. (2000). Chelicerata. In: Jamieson, B.G.M. (ed.) Progress in male gamete ultrastructure and phylogeny Oxford and IBH, New Delhi and Calcutta 9 (B): 311–388. -- Show included taxa

Alberti, G. & Palacios-Vargas, J.G. (1984). Fine structure of spermatogenesis and mature spermatozoa in Cryptocellus boneti Bolivar y Pieltain, 1941 (Arachnida, Ricinulei). Ultrastructure Research 87: 1–12. doi: -- Show included taxa

Beck, L. & Schubart, H. (1968). Revision der Gattung Cryptocellus Westwood 1874 (Arachnida: Ricinulei). Senckenbergiana Biologica 49: 67–78. -- Show included taxa

Bolívar y Pieltain, C. (1942). Estudio de un Ricinulideo de la Caverna de Cacahuamilpa, Guerrero, Mex. Revista de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural 2: 197–209. -- Show included taxa

Ebermann, E. & Palacios-Vargas, J.G. (1988). Imparipes (Imparipes) tocatlphilus n. sp. (Acari, Tarsonemina, Scutacaridae) from Mexico and Brazil: first record of ricinuleids as phoresy hosts for scutacarid mites.. Acarologia 29: 347–354. -- Show included taxa

Fernández, R. & Giribet, G. (2015). Unnoticed in the tropics: phylogenomic resolution of the poorly known arachnid order Ricinulei (Arachnida). Royal Society Open Science 2(150065): 1–13. doi: -- Show included taxa

Firstman, B. (1973). The relationship of the chelicerate arterial system to the evolution of the endosternite. Journal of Arachnology 1: 1–54. -- Show included taxa

Harvey, M.S. (2003c). Catalogue of the smaller arachnid orders of the world: Amblypygi, Uropygi, Schizomida, Palpigradi, Ricinulei and Solifugae. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne. -- Show included taxa

Juberthie, C. (1994). Ricinulei. In: Juberthie, C. and Decu, V. (ed.) Encyclopaedia biospeologica Société de Biospéologie, Moulis and Bucarest 1: 231–235. -- Show included taxa

Ludwig, M. & Alberti, G. (1990). Peculiarities of arachnid midgut glands. Acta Zoologica Fennica 190: 255–259. -- Show included taxa

Ludwig, M., Palacios-Vargas, J.G. & Alberti, G. (1994). Cellular details of the midgut of Cryptocellus boneti (Arachnida: Ricinulei). Journal of Morphology 220: 263–270. doi: -- Show included taxa

Palacios-Vargas, J.G. (1981). Los artrópodes de la gruta de Acuitlapan, Gro.. Folia Entomologica Mexicana, XVI Congreso Nacional de Entomologia 48: 64–65. -- Show included taxa

Platnick, N.I. (1980). On the phylogeny of Ricinulei. In: Gruber, J. (ed.) Verhandlungen des 8. Internationalen Arachnologen-Kongress, Wien H. Egermann, Wien: 349–353. -- Show included taxa

Reddell, J.R. (1971a). A preliminary bibliography of Mexican cave biology with a checklist of published records. Bulletin of the Association for Mexican Cave Studies 3: 1–184. -- Show included taxa

Reddell, J.R. (1981). A review of the cavernicole fauna of Mexico, Guatemala and Belize. Bulletin of the Texas Memorial Museum 27: 1–327. -- Show included taxa

Talarico, G., Lipke, E. & Alberti, G. (2011). Gross morphology, histology, and ultrastructure of the alimentary system of Ricinulei (Arachnida) with emphasis on functional and phylogenetic implications. Journal of Morphology 272: 89–117. doi: -- Show included taxa

Talarico, G., Palacios-Vargas, J.G., Silva, M.F. & Alberti, G. (2006). Ultrastructure of tarsal sensilla and other integument structures of two Pseudocellus species (Ricinulei, Arachnida). Journal of Morphology 267: 441–463. doi: -- Show included taxa

Talarico, G., Zeck-Kapp, G., Palacios-Vargas, J.G. & Alberti, G. (2009). Oogenesis and ovary ultrastructure in Pseudocellus boneti (Arachnida: Ricinulei). Contributions to Natural History (Bern) 12: 1373–1386. -- Show included taxa

Vázquez Rojas, I. (1996f). Ricinulei. In: Llorente Bousquets, J.E., García Aldrete, A.N. and González Soriano, E. (ed.) Biodiversidad, taxonomía y biogeografía de artrópodos de México: hacia una síntesis de su conocimiento Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico, D.F.: 79–82. -- Show included taxa

Vázquez-Rojas, I. (1995). Los aracnidos de Mexico parte 1: Ricinulei, Amblypygi, Solifugae, Palpigradi, Schizomida, Uropygi. Dugesiana 2: 15–37. -- Show included taxa


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