Galeodes ater Birula, 1890


Original combination: Galeodes ater


Junior synonym of: Galeodes fumigatus Walter, 1889

Taxonomic references

Galeodes ater

Birula (as Virula), 1890a: 206 original description
Birula, 1890b: 71–72
Birula, 1892: 687–688
Birula, 1895a: 293–324, figs 13–31
Birula, 1895b: xvii
Morin, 1928: 85 (synonymised by Kraepelin, 1899b: 201)

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Distribution table
Type locality: Poluostrov Cheleken (as insula Tsheleken), Balkan, Turkmenistan. Near Ashkhabad, Akhal, Turkmenistan.


Locality Lat Lon
1 Poluostrov Cheleken 39.466666 53.333333
2 Ashkhabad 37.95 58.4
Type repository
Zoobank LSID


Birula (as Virula), A. (1890a). Zur Kenntnis der russischen Galeodiden. I-II. Zoologischer Anzeiger 13: 204–209. -- Show included taxa

Birula, A. (1890b). Materialien zur Fauna der Solpugen Rußlands [Materials on the solpugid fauna of Russia]. Travaux de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de St-Pétersbourg 21: 53–83. -- Show included taxa

Birula, A. (1892). Beiträge zur Kenntnis der anatomischen Baues der Geschlechtsorgane bei den Galeodiden. Biologisches Centralblatt 12: 687–689. -- Show included taxa

Birula, A. (1895a). Untersuchungen über den Bau der Geschlechtsorgane bei den Galeodiden. Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae 28: 289–326. -- Show included taxa

Birula, A. (1895b). [On the phagocytic phenomena in the presence of sexual processes in Galeodes]. Trudy Sankt-Peterburgskogo Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei, Otdelenie zoologii i fiziologii 24: xv–xxi. -- Show included taxa

Kraepelin, K. (1899b). Zur Systematik der Solifugen. Mitteilungen aus dem Naturhistorischen Museum in Hamburg 16: 197–259. -- Show included taxa

Morin, S.M. (1928). [Zoogeography of Solifugae. Solifugae on the Dnieper, Caucasus and in the Transcaspian region]. In: Trudy Tret'ego Vserosiiskogo S'ezda Zoologov, Anatomov i Gistologov v Leningrade 14-20 dekabrya 1927 g. [Proceedings of the Third Congress of the Russian Zoologists, Anatomists and Histologists in Leningrad, December 14-20, 1927], Leningrad Publisher?, Leningrad 3: 83–86. -- Show included taxa


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