Thelyphonus leucurus Pocock, 1898


Original combination: Thelyphonus leucurus


Taxonomic references

Thelyphonus leucurus

Pocock, 1898c: 99–100, figs 1, 1a original description
Kraepelin, 1899a: 221
Gravely, 1916: 78
Giltay, 1931: 22, 24–25, fig. 9
Mello-Leitão, 1931: 32 (as Thelyphonus beucurus [sic])
Speijer, 1931b: 196–197
Werner, 1935a: 468
Rowland and Cooke, 1973: 66
Harvey, 2003c: 74

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Distribution table
Papua New Guinea
Solomon Islands
Type locality: Narowai (as Narowal), Western, Solomon Islands. Rubiana, New Georgia Island, Western, Solomon Islands.


Locality Lat Lon
1 Narowai -7.75 156.75
2 Rubiana -8.25 157.5
Type repository
Zoobank LSID


Giltay, L. (1931). Scorpions et Pédipalpes. In: Résultats Scientifiques du voyage aux Indes Orientales Néerlandaises de LL. AA. RR. de Prince et la Princesse Léopold de Belgique. Mémoires du Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique 3(6): 1–28. -- Show included taxa

Gravely, F.H. (1916). The evolution and distribution of the Indo-Australian Thelyphonidae, with notes on the distinctive characters of various species. Records of the Indian Museum 12: 59–85. -- Show included taxa

Harvey, M.S. (2003c). Catalogue of the smaller arachnid orders of the world: Amblypygi, Uropygi, Schizomida, Palpigradi, Ricinulei and Solifugae. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne. -- Show included taxa

Kraepelin, K. (1899a). Scorpiones und Pedipalpi. Tierreich 8: i–xviii, 1–265. -- Show included taxa

Mello-Leitão, C. (1931). Pedipalpos do Brasil e algumas notas sobre a ordem. Archivos do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro 33: 8–72. -- Show included taxa

Pocock, R.I. (1898c). Scorpions, Pedipalpi and spiders collected by Dr Willey in New Britain, the Solomon Islands, Loyalty Islands, etc. In: Willey, A. (ed.) Zoological results based on material from New Britain, New Guinea, Loyalty Islands and elsewhere, collected during the years 1895, 1896 and 1897 University Press, Cambridge 1: 95–120. -- Show included taxa

Rowland, J.M. & Cooke, J.A.L. (1973). Systematics of the arachnid order Uropygida (= Thelyphonida). Journal of Arachnology 1: 55–71. -- Show included taxa

Speijer, E.A.M. (1931b). Bemerkungen über Pedipalpi (Fortsetzung). Zoölogische Mededeelingen 14: 194–201. -- Show included taxa

Werner, F. (1935a). Klasse: Arachnoidea, Spinnentiere. Pedipalpen. In: Bronns, H.G. (ed.) Klassen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Leipzig 5(IV)(8)(3): 317–490. -- Show included taxa


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