Chthonius alpicola Beier, 1951


Original combination: Chthonius (Neochthonius) alpicola


Taxonomic references

Chthonius (Neochthonius) alpicola

Beier, 1951c: 163–164 original description
Beier, 1952e: 2
Beier and Franz, 1954: 453
Beier, 1956i: 8
Beier, 1963b: 23
Beier, 1963h: 147–148
Ressl, 1965: 289

Chthonius alpicola Beier:

Marcuzzi, 1968: 266
Strouhal and Vornatscher, 1975: 540
Muster and Blick, 2016: 548, 551
Gardini, 2021: 11–15, figs 26–40, 403
Muster, Spelda, Rulik, Thormann, von der Mark and Astrin, 2021: 13819, fig. 4

Neochthonius cfr. alpicola (Beier):

Callaini, 1986e: 229–230

Chthonius (Chthonius) alpicola Beier:

Judson, 1990a: 597
Harvey, 1991a: 143
Gardini, 1995a: 2
Gardini, 2000: 12
Muster and Lippold, 2003: 55–57
Mahnert, 2004: 463
Mahnert, 2011d: 33
Kotrbová, Opatova, Gardini and Šťáhlavský, 2016: 327, 329, fig. 1A

Distribution table

Realm: Palearctic

Italy (mainland)
Type locality: Krizersberg, Salzburg, Austria.


Locality Lat Lon
1 Krizersberg 47.7 12.9833
Type repository

Beier, M. (1951c). Zur Kenntnis der ostalpinen Chthoniiden (Pseudoscorp). Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt Österreichischer und Schweizer Entomologen 3: 163–166. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1952e). Ordn.: Pseudoscorpionidea, Afterskorpione. In: Strouhal, H. (ed.) Catalogus faunae Austriae Springer-Verlag, Wien 9a: 2–6. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1956i). Ordn.: Pseudoscorpionidea, Afterskorpione. 1. Nachtrag. In: Strouhal, H. (ed.) Catalogus faunae Austriae Springer-Verlag, Wien 9a: 8–9. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1963b). Ordnung Pseudoscorpionidea (Afterskorpione). In: Bestimmungsbücher zur Bodenfauna Europas Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1: vi, 313 pp.. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1963h). Pseudoscorpione aus dem Museum "Enrico Caffi" in Bergamo. Rendiconti dell'Instituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere 97B: 147–156. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. & Franz, H. (1954). 16. Ordnung: Pseudoscorpionidea. In: Franz, H. (ed.) Die Nordost-Alpen im Spiegel ihrer Landtierwelt Universitätsverlag Wagner, Innsbruck 1: 453–459. -- Show included taxa

Callaini, G. (1986e). Pseudoscorpioni dell'Italia settentrionale nel Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona (Arachnida). Notulae Chernetologicae XIX. Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Verona 12: 229–255. -- Show included taxa

Gardini, G. (1995a). Arachnida Pseudoscorpionida. In: Minelli, A, Ruffo, S. and La Posta, S. (ed.) Checklist delle specie della fauna Italiana Calderini, Bologna 22: 1–8. -- Show included taxa

Gardini, G. (2000). Catalogo degli Pseudoscorpioni d'Italia (Arachnida). Fragmenta Entomologica 32, Supplemento: 1–181. -- Show included taxa

Harvey, M.S. (1991a). Catalogue of the Pseudoscorpionida. Manchester University Press, Manchester. -- Show included taxa

Judson, M.L.I. (1990a). On the presence of Chthonius (C.) halberti Kew and Chthonius (C.) ressli Beier in France with remarks on the status of Kewochthonius Chamberlin and Neochthonius Chamberlin (Arachnida, Chelonethida, Chthoniidae). Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (4) 11: 593–603. -- Show included taxa

Kotrbová, J., Opatova, V., Gardini, G. & Šťáhlavský, F. (2016). Karyotype diversity of pseudoscorpions of the genus Chthonius (Pseudoscorpiones, Chthoniidae) in the Alps. Comparative Cytogenetics 10: 325–345. -- Show included taxa

Mahnert, V. (2004). Die Pseudoskorpione Österreichs (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones). Denisia 12: 459–471. -- Show included taxa

Mahnert, V. (2011d). Pseudoscorpiones (Arachnida). In: Schuster, R. (ed.) Checklisten der Fauna Österreichs Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 5: 28–39. -- Show included taxa

Marcuzzi, G. (1968). Osservazioni ecologiche sulla fauna del suolo di alcune regioni forestali Italiane. Annali del Centro di Economia Montana delle Venezie 7: 205–331. -- Show included taxa

Muster, C. & Lippold, K. (2003). Chthonius (Chthonius) alpicola neu für Deutschland (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones). Arachnologische Mitteilungen 26: 55–58. -- Show included taxa

Ressl, F. (1965). Über Verbreitung, Variabilität und Lebensweise einiger österreichischer Afterskorpione. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 12: 289–295. -- Show included taxa

Strouhal, H. & Vornatscher, J. (1975). Katalog der rezenten Höhlentiere Österreichs. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 79: 401–542. -- Show included taxa

Gardini, G. (2021). The Italian species of the Chthonius ischnocheles group (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones, Chthoniidae), with reference to neighbouring countries. Zootaxa 4987: 1‒131. -- Show included taxa

Muster, C., Spelda, J., Rulik, B., Thormann, J., von der Mark, L> & Astrin, J.J. (2021). The dark side of pseudoscorpion diversity: The German Barcode of Life campaign reveals high levels of undocumented diversity in European false scorpions. Ecology and Evolution 11(20): 13815–13829. -- Show included taxa

Muster, C. & Blick, T. (2016). Rote Liste und Gesamtartenliste der Pseudoskorpione (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) Deutschlands.. Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt 70: 539–561. -- Show included taxa

Date Type Reference Old value
2023-04-21 New taxonomic reference entry Muster and Blick, 2016
2022-09-25 New taxonomic reference entry Muster, Spelda, Rulik, Thormann, von der Mark and Astrin, 2021
2022-03-19 Species updated Old value
2022-03-19 New taxonomic reference entry Gardini, 2021
2022-03-17 Species updated Old value