Pilanus pilifer Beier, 1930


Original combination: Pilanus pilifer

LSID urn:lsid:wac.nmbe.ch:name:678a1de6-7d9d-4756-93b7-a218cf7c6927

Taxonomic references

Pilanus pilifer

Beier, 1930i: 47, fig. 5 original description
Beier, 1932e: 161, fig. 174
Roewer, 1937: 298
Beier, 1948b: 458
Harvey, 1991a: 624

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors
Distribution table

Realm: Afrotropic

Type locality: Nefasīt, Hamsien, Eritrea.


Locality Lat Lon
1 Nefasīt 15.333333 39.066666
Type repository
  • "Typus" 1 female, 1 "semiad." male; 1 semiad. male (Silvestri collection?)
Zoobank LSID



Beier, M. (1930i). Nuovi pseudoscorpioni dell'Africa tropicale. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria del R. Istituto Superiore Agrario in Portici 25: 44–48. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1932e). Pseudoscorpionidea II. Subord. C. Cheliferinea. Tierreich 58: i–xxi, 1–294. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1948b). Phoresie und Phagophilie bei Pseudoscorpionen. Österreichische Zoologische Zeitschrift 1: 441–497. -- Show included taxa

Harvey, M.S. (1991a). Catalogue of the Pseudoscorpionida. Manchester University Press, Manchester. -- Show included taxa

Roewer, C.F. (1937). Chelonethi oder Pseudoskorpione. In: Bronns, H.G. (ed.) Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft M.B.H., Leipzig 5(IV)(6)(1): 161–320. -- Show included taxa


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