Parachernes (Parachernes) sabulosus (Tullgren, 1909)


Original combination: Chelifer sabulosus

Subgenus Parachernes


Taxonomic references

Chelifer sabulosus

Tullgren, 1909b: 411–412, fig. 1 original description

Parachernes (Argentochernes) sabulosus (Tullgren):

Beier, 1932e: 123, fig. 139
Chamberlin, 1934b: 9
Roewer, 1937: 296
Weidner, 1959: 114

Parachernes sabulosus (Tullgren):

Beier, 1966a: 279
Harvey, 1981b: 247
Harvey, 1985d: 135

Parachernes (Parachernes) sabulosus (Tullgren):

Harvey, 1991a: 619

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Distribution table

Realm: Australasia

Australia (Western Australia)
Type locality: Brown Station, Dirk Hartog Island, Western Australia, Australia.


Locality Lat Lon
1 Brown Station -26 113.166666
Type repository
  • Holotype female (ZMH)
Zoobank LSID


Beier, M. (1932e). Pseudoscorpionidea II. Subord. C. Cheliferinea. Tierreich 58: i–xxi, 1–294. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1966a). On the Pseudoscorpionidea of Australia. Australian Journal of Zoology 14: 275–303. -- Show included taxa

Chamberlin, J.C. (1934b). Check list of the false scorpions of Oceania. Occasional Papers of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum 10(22): 1–14. -- Show included taxa

Harvey, M.S. (1981b). A checklist of the Australian Pseudoscorpionida. Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 5: 237–252. -- Show included taxa

Harvey, M.S. (1985d). Pseudoscorpionida. In: Walton, D.W. (ed.) Zoological catalogue of Australia Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra 3: 126–155. -- Show included taxa

Harvey, M.S. (1991a). Catalogue of the Pseudoscorpionida. Manchester University Press, Manchester. -- Show included taxa

Roewer, C.F. (1937). Chelonethi oder Pseudoskorpione. In: Bronns, H.G. (ed.) Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft M.B.H., Leipzig 5(IV)(6)(1): 161–320. -- Show included taxa

Tullgren, A. (1909b). Chelonethi. In: Michaelsen, W. and Hartmeyer, R. (ed.) Fauna Südwest-Australiens Gustav Fischer, Jena 2: 411–415. -- Show included taxa

Weidner, H. (1959). Die Entomologischen Sammlungen des Zoologischen Staatsinstituts und Zoologischen Museums Hamburg. I. Teil. Pararthropoda und Chelicerata I. Mitteilungen aus dem Hamburgischen Zoologischen Museum und Institute 57: 89–142. -- Show included taxa


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