Allochernes ginkgoanus (Morikawa, 1953)


Original combination: Toxochernes ginkgoanus


Taxonomic references

Toxochernes ginkgoanus

Morikawa, 1953a: 353–354, figs 3c–f original description
Morikawa, 1957a: 365

Allochernes (Toxochernes) ginkgoanus (Morikawa):

Morikawa, 1960: 147, plate 4 fig. 2, plate 8 fig. 5, plate 9 fig. 24, plate 10 fig. 17
Morikawa, 1962: 419

Allochernes ginkgoanus (Morikawa):

Mahnert, 1978a: 309, 314
Sato, 1978c: 42
Harvey, 1991a: 536
Sato, 1994b: 81 (as Allochernes gingoanus [sic])

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Distribution table

Realm: Palearctic

Type locality: Kami-machi, Setagaya, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan.


Locality Lat Lon
1 Kami-machi 35.65 139.666666
Type repository
Zoobank LSID


Harvey, M.S. (1991a). Catalogue of the Pseudoscorpionida. Manchester University Press, Manchester. -- Show included taxa

Mahnert, V. (1978a). Die Pseudoskorpiongattung Toxochernes Beier, 1932. In: Merrett, P. (ed.) Arachnology: Seventh International Congress. Symposia of the Zoological Society of London Academic Press, London 42: 309–315. -- Show included taxa

Morikawa, K. (1953a). Notes on Japanese Pseudoscorpiones. II. Family Cheiridiidae, Atemnidae and Chernetidae. Memoirs of Ehime University (2B) 1: 345–354. -- Show included taxa

Morikawa, K. (1957a). Cave pseudoscorpions of Japan (II). Memoirs of Ehime University (2B) 2: 357–365. -- Show included taxa

Morikawa, K. (1960). Systematic studies of Japanese pseudoscorpions. Memoirs of Ehime University (2B) 4: 85–172. -- Show included taxa

Morikawa, K. (1962). Ecological and some biological notes on Japanese pseudoscorpions. Memoirs of Ehime University (2B) 4: 417–435. -- Show included taxa

Sato, H. (1978c). [Faunistic data on Japanese pseudoscorpions]. Atypus 72: 39–42. -- Show included taxa

Sato, H. (1994b). [Pseudoscorpions]. In: Environment Agency (ed.) [A checklist of the Japanese species of wildlife] Japan Wildlife Research Center, Tokyo: 79–81. -- Show included taxa


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