Diplotemnus ophthalmicus Redikorzev, 1949


Original combination: Diplotemnus ophthalmicus

LSID urn:lsid:wac.nmbe.ch:name:9dc04890-3dae-410d-b5e1-f5cad3fccb09

Junior synonym of: Diplotemnus insolitus insolitus Chamberlin, 1933

Taxonomic references

Diplotemnus ophthalmicus

Redikorzev, 1949: 646–648, figs 5–7 original description
Schawaller, 1985a: 11, fig. 24
Harvey, 1991a: 461–462
Petrov, 1997: 266 (as Diplotemnus ophtalmicus [sic]) (synonymised by Dashdamirov and Schawaller, 1993b: 7)

Withius ophthalmicus (Redikorzev):

Krumpál, 1983b: 176

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors
Distribution table
Type locality: Duani-tau, Chikmenskei, , Kazakhstan. Tuuk River, Ala-tau, , Kyrgyzstan.
Type repository
Zoobank LSID



Dashdamirov, S. & Schawaller, W. (1993b). Pseudoscorpions from Middle Asia, Part 3 (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones). Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde (A) 497: 1–16. -- Show included taxa

Harvey, M.S. (1991a). Catalogue of the Pseudoscorpionida. Manchester University Press, Manchester. -- Show included taxa

Krumpál, M. (1983b). Zwei neue Diplotemnus-Arten der UdSSR (Pseudoscorpiones, Miratemnidae). Über Pseudoscorpioniden-Fauna der UdSSR. II. Biologia 38: 173–179. -- Show included taxa

Novák, J. & Harvey, M.S. (2015). The identity of pseudoscorpions of the genus Diplotemnus (Pseudoscorpiones: Atemnidae) from Europe and Asia. North-Western Journal of Zoology 11: 316–323. -- Show included taxa

Petrov, B. (1997). A review of Bulgarian pseudoscorpions (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpionida). In: Zabka, M. (ed.) Proceedings of the 16th European Colloquium of Arachnology Wydawnictwo Wyzszej Skoly Rolniczo-Pedagogicznej, Siedlce: 261–269. -- Show included taxa

Redikorzev, V. (1949). [Pseudoscorpionidea of Central Asia]. Travaux de l'Institute de Zoologique de l'Académie Sciences de l'U.R.S.S. 8: 638–668. -- Show included taxa

Schawaller, W. (1985a). Pseudoskorpione aus der Sowjetunion (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones). Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde (A) 385: 1–12. -- Show included taxa

Date Type Reference Old value
2022-09-28 Species synonymy Novák and Harvey, 2015