Diplotemnus insolitus insolitus Chamberlin, 1933


Original combination: Diplotemnus insolitus insolitus

LSID urn:lsid:wac.nmbe.ch:name:55b12292-953b-4a84-9559-39c86cc791f3

Taxonomic references

Chelifer persicus Redikorzev, 1934 -- synonymised by Dashdamirov and Schawaller, 1993b: 7 synonymised by Novák and Harvey, 2015: 317
LSID urn:lsid:wac.nmbe.ch:name:0738c572-3e29-4dd6-8413-76f1b061cb22
Chelifer persicus
Redikorzev, 1934a: 427–428 (synonymised with Diplotemnus piger (Simon) by Dashdamirov, 1991a: 102, and with Diplotemnus insolitus Chamberlin by Dashdamirov and Schawaller, 1993b: 7) original description
Withius persicus (Redikorzev):
Redikorzev, 1934b: 152 original description
Roewer, 1937: 308
Harvey, 1991a: 663
Diplotemnus ophthalmicus Redikorzev, 1949 -- synonymised by Dashdamirov and Schawaller, 1993b: 7 synonymised by Novák and Harvey, 2015: 317
LSID urn:lsid:wac.nmbe.ch:name:9dc04890-3dae-410d-b5e1-f5cad3fccb09
Diplotemnus ophthalmicus
Redikorzev, 1949: 646–648, figs 5–7 original description
Schawaller, 1985a: 11, fig. 24
Harvey, 1991a: 461–462
Petrov, 1997: 266 (as Diplotemnus ophtalmicus [sic]) (synonymised by Dashdamirov and Schawaller, 1993b: 7)
Withius ophthalmicus (Redikorzev):
Krumpál, 1983b: 176
Diplotemnus pomerantzevi Redikorzev, 1949 -- synonymised by Schawaller, 1989: 16 synonymised by Novák and Harvey, 2015: 317
LSID urn:lsid:wac.nmbe.ch:name:2dc35ce4-2c3d-4eaf-ac72-0b4cd756e88a
Diplotemnus pomerantzevi
Redikorzev, 1949: 648–649, figs 8–10 original description
Schawaller, 1985a: 11–12, fig. 23 (synonymised by Schawaller, 1989: 16)
Withius pomerantzevi (Redikorzev):
Krumpál, 1983b: 176
Diplotemnus beieri Vachon, 1970 -- synonymised by Harvey, 1991a: 461 synonymised by Novák and Harvey, 2015: 317
LSID urn:lsid:wac.nmbe.ch:name:93a50d23-5ae7-42ce-ac75-b591910f3f0a
Diplotemnus beieri
Vachon, 1970: 189, fig. 2 original description
Heurtault, 1970c: 192–194
Mahnert, 1980a: 261–262, figs 7–11
Bacallado, 1984: 110 (as Diplotemmus [sic] beirei [sic]) (synonymised by Harvey, 1991a: 461)
Diplotemnus afghanicus Beier, 1959 -- synonymised by Dashdamirov and Schawaller, 1993b: 7 synonymised by Novák and Harvey, 2015: 317
LSID urn:lsid:wac.nmbe.ch:name:83257ea6-b2d0-4b39-8301-710734bf0ae1
Diplotemnus afghanicus
Beier, 1959a: 271–272, fig. 14 original description
Beier, 1961e: 3
Beier, 1973e: 226
Beier, 1973f: 167
Harvey, 1991a: 461 (synonymised by Dashdamirov and Schawaller, 1993b: 7)
Diplotemnus turanicus Krumpál, 1983 -- synonymised by Schawaller, 1985a: 11 synonymised by Novák and Harvey, 2015: 317
LSID urn:lsid:wac.nmbe.ch:name:5240db3d-ea49-4ffe-b9fc-0913cfafe71f
Diplotemnus turanicus
Krumpál, 1983b: 176–178, figs 8–12 original description
Okáli, 1988: 223 (synonymised by Schawaller, 1985a: 11)
Diplotemnus milleri Krumpál, 1983 -- synonymised by Schawaller, 1985a: 11 synonymised by Novák and Harvey, 2015: 317
LSID urn:lsid:wac.nmbe.ch:name:868e9d83-f726-4abe-8bc4-fdf3328562c4
Diplotemnus milleri
Krumpál, 1983b: 173–176, figs 1–7 original description
Okáli, 1988: 224 (synonymised by Schawaller, 1985a: 11)
Diplotemnus lindbergi Beier, 1960 -- synonymised by Dashdamirov and Schawaller, 1993b: 7 synonymised by Novák and Harvey, 2015: 317
LSID urn:lsid:wac.nmbe.ch:name:c24d0b47-2ad6-4973-a3ce-05d901257f16
Diplotemnus lindbergi
Beier, 1960a: 42–43, fig. 1 original description
Harvey, 1991a: 461 (synonymised by Dashdamirov and Schawaller, 1993b: 7)
Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors
Distribution table
Spain (Islas Canarias)
Type locality: north-west Himalayas.


Locality Lat Lon
1 north-west Himalayas (IMPRECISE) 34 76
Type repository

Bacallado, J.J. (1984). Aracnidos. In: Bacallado, J.J. (ed.) Fauna (marina y terrestre) del archipielago Canario Cedirca, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: 108–115. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1959a). Zur Kenntnis der Pseudoscorpioniden-Fauna Afghanistans. Zoologische Jahrbücher, Abteilung für Systematik, Ökologie und Geographie der Tiere 87: 257–282. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1960a). Pseudoscorpionidea. Contribution à l'étude de la faune d'Afghanistan. 27. Förhandlingar vid Kungliga Fysiografiska Sällskapets i Lund 30: 41–45. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1961e). Pseudoscorpionidea II. Contribution à l'étude de la faune d'Afghanistan 56. Förhandlingar vid Kungliga Fysiografiska Sällskapets i Lund 31: 1–4. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1973e). Beiträge zur Pseudoscorpioniden-fauna Anatoliens. Fragmenta Entomologica 8: 223–236. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1973f). Pseudoscorpione aus der Mongolei. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 77: 167–172. -- Show included taxa

Dashdamirov, S. & Schawaller, W. (1993b). Pseudoscorpions from Middle Asia, Part 3 (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones). Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde (A) 497: 1–16. -- Show included taxa

Harvey, M.S. (1991a). Catalogue of the Pseudoscorpionida. Manchester University Press, Manchester. -- Show included taxa

Heurtault, J. (1970c). Pseudoscorpions du Tibesti (Tchad). III. Miratemnidae et Chernetidae. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (2) 42: 192–200. -- Show included taxa

Krumpál, M. (1983b). Zwei neue Diplotemnus-Arten der UdSSR (Pseudoscorpiones, Miratemnidae). Über Pseudoscorpioniden-Fauna der UdSSR. II. Biologia 38: 173–179. -- Show included taxa

Mahnert, V. (1980a). Pseudoscorpions from the Canary Islands. Entomologica Scandinavica 11: 259–264. -- Show included taxa

Novák, J. & Harvey, M.S. (2015). The identity of pseudoscorpions of the genus Diplotemnus (Pseudoscorpiones: Atemnidae) from Europe and Asia. North-Western Journal of Zoology 11: 316–323. -- Show included taxa

Okáli, I. (1988). List of the type specimens in the collections of the Slovak National Museum - Institute of Natural History, Bratislava: Arachnida, Pseudoscorpionidea. Zbornik Slovenskeho Národneho Múzea Prirodovedny 34: 223–226. -- Show included taxa

Petrov, B. (1997). A review of Bulgarian pseudoscorpions (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpionida). In: Zabka, M. (ed.) Proceedings of the 16th European Colloquium of Arachnology Wydawnictwo Wyzszej Skoly Rolniczo-Pedagogicznej, Siedlce: 261–269. -- Show included taxa

Redikorzev, V. (1934a). Neue paläarktische Pseudoscorpione. Zoologische Jahrbücher, Abteilung für Systematik, Ökologie und Geographie der Tiere 65: 423–440. -- Show included taxa

Redikorzev, V. (1934b). Verbesserungen zu dem Aufsatz von "Neue paläarktische Pseudoskorpione". Zoologische Jahrbücher, Abteilung für Systematik, Ökologie und Geographie der Tiere 66: 152. -- Show included taxa

Redikorzev, V. (1949). [Pseudoscorpionidea of Central Asia]. Travaux de l'Institute de Zoologique de l'Académie Sciences de l'U.R.S.S. 8: 638–668. -- Show included taxa

Roewer, C.F. (1937). Chelonethi oder Pseudoskorpione. In: Bronns, H.G. (ed.) Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft M.B.H., Leipzig 5(IV)(6)(1): 161–320. -- Show included taxa

Schawaller, W. (1985a). Pseudoskorpione aus der Sowjetunion (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones). Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde (A) 385: 1–12. -- Show included taxa

Schawaller, W. (1989). Pseudoskorpione aus der Sowjetunion, Teil 3 (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones). Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde (A) 440: 1–30. -- Show included taxa

Vachon, M. (1970). Remarques sur Withius piger (Simon, 1878) nov. comb. (Pseudoscorpion Cheliferidae) et sur le genre Diplotemnus J.C. Chamberlin, 1933, à propos de Diplotemnus beieri nov. nom. (Pseudoscorpion Miratemnidae). Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (2) 42: 185–191. -- Show included taxa

Date Type Reference Old value
2022-09-28 Species updated Old value