Spelaeochthonius Morikawa, 1954


Original name: Spelaeochthonius

Gender: masculine

LSID urn:lsid:wac.nmbe.ch:name:b0c9934b-4f19-4f1b-8860-69d9b0604fd0

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Genus type

Spelaeochthonius kubotai Morikawa, 1954b, by original designation.

Taxonomic references
Morikawa, 1954b: 83–84 original description
You, Yoo, Harvey and Harms, 2022: 139–141
Allochthonius (Spelaeochthonius) Morikawa:
Morikawa, 1960: 104–105
Zoobank LSID



Morikawa, K. (1954b). On some pseudoscorpions in Japanese lime-grottoes. Memoirs of Ehime University (2B) 2: 79–87. -- Show included taxa

Morikawa, K. (1960). Systematic studies of Japanese pseudoscorpions. Memoirs of Ehime University (2B) 4: 85–172. -- Show included taxa

Muchmore, W.B. (1967c). Pseudotyrannochthoniine pseudoscorpions from the western United States. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 86: 132–139. -- Show included taxa

You, J.Y., Yoo, J.-S., Harvey, M.S. & Harms, D. (2022). Some cryptic Korean karst creatures: revalidation of the pseudoscorpion genus Spelaeochthonius (Pseudoscorpiones: Pseudotyrannochthoniidae) and description of two new species from Korea. Journal of Arachnology 50: 135–157. -- Show included taxa

Date Type Reference Old value
2022-09-25 Taxonomic reference update Morikawa, 1954
2022-09-25 New taxonomic reference entry You, Yoo, Harvey and Harms, 2022
2022-09-25 Genus updated Old value